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Another February interview date announcement

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Wow, this is only my third post and I'm reporting a scheduled interview date. I haven't even called Liang Jun yet. (It's still too early. I don't want to wake her.)


Called the DOS this afternoon and was promptly told that Jun is scheduled for 8 am on February 24 and that the letter was sent out two days ago. This is in line with what we expected from reading other people's recent experience. She returned the checklist in the middle of September so the wait will end up being a little over 5 months.




1. Practicing for the interview as some of you have suggested makes good sense. Any tips or links on what to expect and practice for?


2. I'm landing in Shanghai in the evening of the 22nd, two days before the interview. Can I get to Guangzhou in one day and how? Assuming that I'm going to fly, which airlines should I use and should I get my ticket here or wait until I land in Shanghai?


3. I've already booked a one-way return for Jun (sitting next to me on my return flight two weeks later) but have until midnight tomorrow to cancel it without penalty. Any problem with that? Can she fly home with me on a one-way ticket with a K-1 visa?


4. I'm planning to file my income tax return as soon as I get my W-2 from my company and then include it with the Affidavit of Support. Am I cutting it too close?


We've waited so long this seems almost surreal. I'm still sort of waiting for it to hit me that we're finally going to be together. My kids say they hope I don't get hurt going into this but I really don't have any doubts about Jun. She's had plenty of opportunity to bail on me or express negativity but instead she's been very steady and faithful. We talk very frankly with each other. Anything could happen, of course, but I'm a big boy and pretty grounded so I think we'll do well. We certainly have a lot of positive anticipation going.


Thanks so much for listening and for any advice you can give.

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Wow, this is only my third post and I'm reporting a scheduled interview date.  I haven't even called Liang Jun yet.  (It's still too early.  I don't want to wake her.)


Called the DOS this afternoon and was promptly told that Jun is scheduled for 8 am on February 24 and that the letter was sent out two days ago.  This is in line with what we expected from reading other people's recent experience.  She returned the checklist in the middle of September so the wait will end up being a little over 5 months.




1.  Practicing for the interview as some of you have suggested makes good sense.  Any tips or links on what to expect and practice for?


2.  I'm landing in Shanghai in the evening of the 22nd, two days before the interview.  Can I get to Guangzhou in one day and how?  Assuming that I'm going to fly, which airlines should I use and should I get my ticket here or wait until I land in Shanghai?


3.  I've already booked a one-way return for Jun (sitting next to me on my return flight two weeks later) but have until midnight tomorrow to cancel it without penalty.  Any problem with that?  Can she fly home with me on a one-way ticket with a K-1 visa?


4.  I'm planning to file my income tax return as soon as I get my W-2 from my company and then include it with the Affidavit of Support.  Am I cutting it too close?


We've waited so long this seems almost surreal.  I'm still sort of waiting for it to hit me that we're finally going to be together.  My kids say they hope I don't get hurt going into this but I really don't have any doubts about Jun.  She's had plenty of opportunity to bail on me or express negativity but instead she's been very steady and faithful.  We talk very frankly with each other.  Anything could happen, of course, but I'm a big boy and pretty grounded so I think we'll do well.  We certainly have a lot of positive anticipation going.


Thanks so much for listening and for any advice you can give.

1. You *could* fly, or you *could* take the train. The train is cheaper, but takes longer (if you only have 1 day, it may not be enough time).


2. You can book a ticket if you like, but if you do not yet have the visa issued, then the ticket is lost. I recommend purchasing a refundable ticket, or waiting until there and purchasing it there.


3. Wait, how many times have you two met in person???

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We spent one week together last year in Chengdu but have emailed, videoconferenced and telephoned many, many times before and after. And one week together was enough for both of us to answer each of our questions about what it felt like to actually be together. Not everyone has the luxury of frequent trips to China. (I'm not saying you do, I'm just saying I don't.) Why are you asking that question?

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Maxmilagro: Welcome to CFL !!

That's great news!

I called DOS yesterday and they said: not yet

My congressman e mailed GZ about a week ago and they said probably March, but if you sent in the P3 middle of Sept, then I should be right there with you as we are Sept 11.

To answer some of your questions,

1. There is a list of 95 possible questions the VO can ask. I think the link is in the resources section. Hmmm can't find it - maybe some nice person will post the link again???

2. It takes a full day to get from Shanghai to Guilin on the train. Not sure about to GZ, but if you only have 2 days from landing in SH to interview, you'll need to fly.

3. As long as she gets the visa, she is free to go by whatever means/type of ticket!

4. You can use last years tax return, or a letter from your bank or your W2 for this year. There are many ways to comply - look at the instructions on the I134F for more details.


Keep us posted! Give us details of her interview to help the next CFLer!

Thanks and GOOD LUCK!

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Why are you asking that question?

Sorry, I do not mean to be offensive in any way. I just recall that you said that your family still questions this relationship in a way.


For me, I am a poor college student, however, I was still able to have the energy to convince my family to go to China to meet her family (and she convinced them to be open to the interaction). From what I have seen, for people in most of China (possible exception in Guangdong), having family acceptance is an important thing. It may be nothing, and she may be wonderful, but I wonder if it would make *her* feel akward if your family was still any bit hostile towards her?


I am sure it is nothing though, so please, do not take any issue. :ph34r:

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Thanks cosmiclobster, olemanoman1950, and lele for your responses. I'm going to look for the 95 questions and start pulling together the loose ends.


Maybe I should change my ticket to fly directly to Guangzhou.


Five months is a long time to wait on top of all the other waiting. I'm really glad the end is in sight.


Good luck everyone and Happy New Year.

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Thanks, DragonFlower.


Last night I re-booked directly to Guangzhou via Northwest arriving two nights before Jun's interview. I decided being with her for the interview was far more important that saving a few hundred dollars. Might as well do things the right way.


Jun and I finally got to talk last night as well. She's excited, a little scared, but surprisingly steady and calm.


Does anybody know if I can get transcripts of our Yahoo Messenger conversations from Yahoo? I should have saved them (I did save a few) but we weren't really thinking that strategically, we were just enjoying seeing and talking with each other. I searched the Yahoo Messenger home site but couldn't find any reference to transcripts. I wonder if they even retain them. I know they retain email messages.


Now I'm a little nervous about Jun's interview because I don't know if she can hold her own in English in a pressurized interview process.

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A great way to start off the new year.  Welcome and best of luck at the interview.


I used Yahoo as well and unless there is a newer version allowing for it, Yahoo doesn't keep transcripts.

Frank and anyone else: Yahoo CAN archive all of your messages, but you need to have this feature turned on first. Open Yahoo messenger and at the top of the window click on Messenger, then Preferences then on Archives. Click on Enable Archives and your PC will store a transcript of both sides of each conversation with date and time of each entry.


(EDIT) almost scared myself when I went to double check my archive of messages. They weren't in the same place that MSN messenger puts them.

To find mine I had to go to

D:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles\cosmiclobster69\Archive\Messages\amyxxxx

To read the messages click on Contacts, then Message Archive. They are neatly sorted by date. You can read them or print them right from there.

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Hey cosmiclobster that was good advice. My Yahoo Messenger archiving feature was turned off, of course, but will start this Sunday now that I've turned it on.


I think a lot is going to depend on who Jun gets for an interviewer.


Anyway, can anyone tell me what to do if she gets rejected on February 24th? I'm going to be with her until March 10th so we will have some time to follow-up.


Also, can anyone tell me where to find the 95 questions the interviewer might ask for us to use as a practice guide?


It's still 2004. Happy New Year everyone!


(I still remember back when I thought 1984 was way off in the future. Now it's been 20 years since already. My John Deere tractor was not manufactured until 1986.) [it's a 41 HP Model 1250 4WD diesel with bucket loader and backhoe in case you were wondering.]

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Anyway, can anyone tell me what to do if she gets rejected on February 24th?  I'm going to be with her until March 10th so we will have some time to follow-up.

OK. If she gets a blue slip on the 24th , you can go back on the morning of the 25th between 9AM and 10AM to present more evidence. They MUST look at this evidence and you will get an interview on the 26th. When she passes that one, she can get her visa in the afternoon on the 27th.



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