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Guest davidinpacific

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Guest davidinpacific

Hello Everyone, This is my first post to this board. My wife, Leng, and I have been married five months. She is from Hunan and lived in Macau for 12 years before coming here. We knew each other for a little over a year before she moved here and I visited her five times during the year that it took her to get her visa. By the way, we were very fortunate that she went through the Hong Kong consulate. they were actually very friendly and easy to deal with.


My question is this. My wife is a wonderful caring person and I am an extremely lucky man. However, for about four days each month my wife changes into a completely different person. The dreaded PMS visitor arrives and my wife changes from that very sweet loving person into a completely different individual.


Any suggestions?

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My suggestion?


Get yourself a good calendar and a job which takes you out of town during those 5 days.


Seriously, my ex was the same way, and during those five day periods she:

Stabbed me once

Bit my thumb almost off (it needed stitches to close it up)

Ruptured one of my ear drums from screaming into it point blank at the top of her lungs

Kicked out the car window once

Etc etc etc…. you get the point


I believe birth control pills helps a little and now there is a birth control pill which limits those 5 day periods to only 4 times a year.


I hope these 5 days a month problem doesn’t really turn into a 30 day a month problem.


Good luck

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Get her some over-the-counter PMS medicine and see if that helps- these guys don't know what to do- haha- also- just be as loving as you can for that period of time. PMS affects different people in different ways. Make her a bath- if she likes baths- cook her dinner- just treat her as though you understand what she is going through (even though you don't) and treat her as though you understand the value of her womb. PMS sucks- you cry for no reason and can't help it. You feel fat, ugly, and generally horrible. You might be mean to those around you because you can't stand yourself. The best thing for you to do is up your niceness during that time- and she will try to control herself as best as is possible. If I get mad from PMS- I usually just cry about it- because then I know Hengli will comfort me rather than lashing back at me if I lash out at him in anger. She isn't this way otherwise- and so she can't help it- and she is a sweet person normally so...

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Get her some over-the-counter PMS medicine and see if that helps- these guys don't know what to do- haha- also- just be as loving as you can for that period of time. PMS affects different people in different ways. Make her a bath- if she likes baths- cook her dinner- just treat her as though you understand what she is going through (even though you don't) and treat her as though you understand the value of her womb. PMS sucks- you cry for no reason and can't help it. You feel fat, ugly, and generally horrible. You might be mean to those around you because you can't stand yourself. The best thing for you to do is up your niceness during that time- and she will try to control herself as best as is possible. If I get mad from PMS- I usually just cry about it- because then I know Hengli will comfort me rather than lashing back at me if I lash out at him in anger. She isn't this way otherwise- and so she can't help it- and she is a sweet person normally so...

Well Put!!!


Hey, although I am a male and will never know what it feels like, I do know that if I were in pain, I would want to be cared for, so it only seems natural to care back.

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Guest DragonFlower

HELLO-this might be a medically treatable problem.

A woman I know from work says that PMS is caused by a chemical imbalance.I can't remember the name of the medicine,but it corrects this imbalance.Treating the problem ,rather than the symptoms(or your wounds).Time to head on down to the OB-GYN and really help.

Good luck if your SO is still in China,no evil birth control pills ,Please!



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see this article in Forbes titled "Is Sex Necessary"





here's the pertinent part:


Pain-relief: Immediately before orgasm, levels of the hormone oxytocin surge to five times their normal level. This in turn releases endorphins, which alleviate the pain of everything from headache to arthritis to even migraine. In women, sex also prompts production of estrogen, which can reduce the pain of PMS

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