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A New Poll About RR2

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Ever wanted to post something that wasn't appropriate for the CFL message boards? Wanted to tell a dirty joke or funny story about something not related to China? Ever wanted to get political, but got comments discouraging you from doing it here?


There is a place to go where you can do all of the above and more. There was a time when CFL members got to know each other on a far deeper level than is possible here in the more serious and (dare I say, conservative) CFL, but it got out of hand and had to be removed and relocated. Now we call it the Rumpus Room 2. Same great concept, just not officially related to CFL anymore. Kind of a bastard child that's been shunned.


Unfortunately, the RR2 is suffering from neglect and anonymity. Where once great friendships grew and laughter rocked the walls of computers around the world, only the emptiness of silence can be heard. Where once heated debates and silly, meaningless drivel brought CFL members a much needed distraction, now only whispers of mirth echo through the modems.


But you can help. For only minutes a day, you can contribute to the existance of this much needed retreat from life. You can feel the joy and release that comes from giving.


Simply click here and you could change a life. Won't you do it today?


To vote on improvements for the Unofficial RR2, vote here. No one can take away the satisfaction of your contricution.


Thank you and God bless.

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