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Is there a difference at the end of the line?

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I just read through Jeff's "White Slip" post, BTW congratulations Jeff, and began to wonder. Do the VO's ask the same questions and issue the same denials for K-3's as they do for K-1's?


I would hope that there are different considerations in the interview, after all, if you're already married when they interview, at least the questions should be different. But are they more lenient on wives (and husbands) than they are on fiance(e)s?


And just to relate this directly to my situation, if the paperwork has been expedited due to her pregnancy, wouldn't you think she's pretty much got a pass for the interview? Or will they scrutinize her more (bastards)?


I realize I'm asking for opinions, but those of you who've gone the K-3 route should be able to give somewhat qualified opinions.

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It would make sense that they would be treated differently, because the commitment has already been legally made. I don't understand why they would be rude or feel like they need to intimidate people because there position gives them the right to it. From what I am reading, I invision a couple the officers walking around in darthvader and storm trooper masks. Like in Carl's case a while back, it seemed like the officer was just having a bad day or something. There was no good reason for the refusal. (From what I read. I believe Carl of course.) or when I hear that only 2 out of 10 were approved in a day? After waiting all this time to be with there wife/fiancee? That's pretty cold hearted. The weasles and liars are out there, but to keep an honset and loving family apart on nothing more than a hunch isn't right either. Again, I don't know what they do. I'm not in their postition and not privey to the same information as they are, but the feeling I get after reading some of these posts is pretty sad. It's almost like they have to dettach themselves from the human side of there job. I'm sure that being in their position they have seen a lot of tears during their careers.

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