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Bad behavior in Guangzhou

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But this was before China's crack down on corruption --- the numbers are much higher now ---  figures cited in the article are by Amneesty International:  Executions:  US: 85,  

China:  1,000

I know that the 85 is from 2001. However, this is now 2004 (and sadly almost 2005...yikes!). And over the past 18 months, there have been more than 100,000 civilians in Iraq who have been executed/killed by American military and paramilitary forces. This is state sanctioned killing, the same as any court or other suspect judicial action / police action.


What about the police officers who shoot and kill suspects, both innocent and guilty ones? Amnesty International went on to mention that this number was in the order of thousands.


I am sorry if I was unclear, but I was talking about state-assisted / state-sanctioned executions (or the killing of civilians by the state). In the quote of a few thousand for the US, I was ignoring the civilians in Iraq. However, I guess that they should be lumped into the figure, since we are responsible for that too (Geneva Convention says that any occupying power is legally responsible for the safety and welfare of all civilians in the territory that they are occupying...where civilian is defined as anyone who is NOT a member of a state sponsored military).


I will concede the point that judicially decided executions in china is higher. :)


OK...enough for me on this thread! I do not want to get into politice too much here...pm me if you want to talk more, or if you have information for me that I have missed!

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I really don't know where you get your figures for 100,000 civilian Iraq

killed. You live with CNN?

If you've never been in combat, I think you need to ask some one who has.

Our military does not Execute Civilians. This stupid kind of thinking really makes me mad. I don't know where you get your facts, But you need to go and live there. I really wish all you Bleeding Hearts would just Pack Up and MOVE! You want to know about living in constant danger, Just ask me,

I'll show you the scares and take with me next time I go to the V.A hospital. The last time I didn't think to shoot first, I got a GUT FULL of A.K 47 rounds. DAMN YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME MAD!!!

Just stay on the west cost or the east cost, Yes, Fly over the rest of us. I don't want to see you or listen to your Liberial Bleeding Heart SH*T!

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I'll show you the scares and take with me next time I go to the V.A hospital. The last time I didn't think to shoot first, I got a GUT FULL of A.K 47 rounds.

Rick, I am really sorry to hear about your personal pain of being shot. I can not understand that feeling, as I have never been shot before. However, from what I could begin to imagine, it must be beyond comprehension (in a negative way). Hence, I hope that you feel better and wish you a full recovery, both physically and emotionally.

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Well, Lele, if you bring up every US killing in every war or police action on foreign soil (including those sanctioned by the UN) then we really have a hopeless task from the discussion stand point..


Executions within a country are really quite simple to define, and seperate from forms of homicide.


The person is a prisoner of the state. As such, his actions are completely controled by the state. The state makes a decision to put him to death, and carries through with it.


"Suicide-by-police" doesn't count. In that situation, the individual in question CHOSES to be killed, or puts himself in a situation where any reasonable person would expect to be killed (like a shoot-out with police).


We had one here in Portland yesterday. A bank robber escaped on foot, he cop confronted him with gun drawn, and the robber advanced on the cop with a butcher knife. Plenty of witnesses, and they all said the same thing: The officer forcefully told him to put down the knife and get on the ground several times until the robber was nearly on top of him and lunged at him --- cop shot three times killing the robber. Sorry, lele, thats not an execution....


Goes back to that American concept of free choice. Some people chose to be bad, and do bad things, ----and leave a trail of innocent victims, I might add ---- they face the consequencesof their actions...

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There was a reason we had a Rumpus Room and, sadly, a reason why it got deleted.


Let's try to keep the more sensitive political subjects out of these posts. We do have a place where we can debate politics, but this isn't it. Refer to my previous post.


We are united in the common cause of bringing our loved ones here, let's keep the uncommon causes to a minimum so we can remain focused.

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