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Please tell me I'm wrong

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I have found that on two different days, with two different people answering, you get two very different answers.  I've learned not to get depressed or elated based upon what they tell me.  I would call again Monday.  If the answer is the same, contact the embassy.


Your answer is the main point I have been trying to make. Your post suggests you get an answer of some type whether it be correct or incorrect. Many as well as myself get one standard answer from GZ and DOS . "Your case is being processed and you will be notified when it is complete" Today was the first time an effort was made to provide me with an answer other than above. I suspect if this individual had found my file and found that I was not one of those scheduled for a white slip he would have given me the "standard non-reply"

Most of the timelines here at CFL contain the information that I absolutely cannot get from GZ or DOS. To date I have heard no logical explanation for this. I have accepted the fact I will not have an interview for another 6 months. I have not accepted the fact that for whatever reason that some people cannot get an answer form GZ or DOS under any circumstance.

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Guest Fionas_Fiance

Regarding some people being 'pre-approved' versus others being 'pre-denied' for white slips... it triggered a question in my mind:


If the Consulate already knew they were going to deny us, would they even give us an interview? Do they HAVE to give us an interview? Anyone know the law on this?


If they already know they are going to deny us, I would hope they wouldn't waste any of our time and would alert us to the problem in advance. Does anyone know if this is even an option for them?


Is there anything analogous to an RFE once your case makes it to the Consulate???? Or is it 100% certain that once the turtle swims our case from the NVC to Guangzhou, we will get an interview?

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By US Law, if the papers filed are in order, and there is not some other procedural reason why (such as your not passing a name check and hitting an automatic reason for denial, such as former work as a prostitute, having HIV, etc.) then they *must* grant you an interview.


However, that does not mean that they have already decided 1000 reasons with which to deny you. By law, it is the visa officer's choice as to whether or not to issue a visa. Further, it is the immigration officer's choice at the arrival destination as to whether or not to honor the visa that the bearer carries in his/her passport.



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After numerous attempts they absolutely refuse to tell me if my SO's P3 was received & logged at GZ or if the clearance check has been completed.  Most of the people at this forum seem to be able to get that information easily.

we didn't get that info easily, but we got it. i was persistantly emailing gz, being polite, but tried to add a tone of desperation to my emails. that wasn't difficult! we ended up faxing the p3 to them twice because they said they didn't receive it. i was pretty worried about that.


that's probably about the time i was contacting congress-people, who made me fill out forms and then did nothing. somehow i get the impression that bringing chinese people into this country is not a high-priority item for them.


we're going to be about 15 months from start to finish, if we make it next week. that's certainly ridiculous when you consider that 99.9% of that time is just waiting in queue. this system is gov't inefficiency at its worst.


i guess my thoughts on bitterness, though, might not make you or others too happy to hear, because i can't see a reason to feel any.


i think we knew going in to this that it would not be easy. anyone who thought it would be just didn't do his homework. we can blame the system, but gotta remember we chose this path.


and i've used this situation as an opportunity in a couple of ways. 1) it tested our resolve and the strength of our commitment. i found her character to be so beautiful, and i, myself, earned patience. 2) i visited china as often as possible, and what better way to see it than with my loving woman as my tourguide. we have had unforgettable experiences. my god, i got to hold a baby panda!


the wait has been long and sometimes frustrating, especially last summer when they just stopped processing any visas at all, at a time when we were calculating that she would for sure be here by july or august. then nothing happening and no word. so i just went to china again, and that really helped us deal with our disappointment. we played tennis every day, went shopping, and just had as much fun as we possibly could.


this system is out of our control, but we have to deal with it. now i'm just hoping to god we don't get a blue slip next week. for those of you who are just starting down this road, maybe you should reconsider. it might be more difficult than you imagine, and you may end up embittered for life like others here.


for my part, if we do make it through the system next week, i won't regret a single moment of waiting for her. yeah, that damn system needs to be fixed, but they're not going to fix it (somehow i suspect it's intentional), so waiting is part of the cost of having her. she is a bargain.



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I think mtbdude's comment have some good points. Sure the process is long and frustrating. Wish it will be shorter - To ask leading question. How short ? 1 month?


If you look at my timeline, maybe you think I am slow and cautious. Not the case. I have already been waiting almost 2 years for piece of paper that will allow me to file I-129F. - talk about loss of control! I still have year or more to go before Ying can be with me.


I met Ying for the first time in person, we both knew there was spark. The delay has solidified and strengthed our relationship and commitment.


Use the delay to build your relationship and dream of the good times ahead. I sleep soundly each night because I know, someday, we will spend the rest of our lives together and we are the right match.

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hey ed:


so you had to wait all of that time before you could even petition, huh? i hope the rest of it goes as quickly and smoothly as can be. we also met in beijing in feb 03. i had a serious car accident 2 weeks later or i would have petitioned her within a month after that, and she would be here by now. so it was august 03 before i could petition. more out of control events, but i'm lucky to be alive and to have her. in october 03 i was finally able to travel, and like you, i've been going over there about every 3 or 4 months. hang in, my friend. i still cannot believe it's finally about to happen.



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That's a great pair of rose colored glasses you got there Dude.


I agree, we should all try to keep positive about this whole ordeal because we each volunteered for it, but not all of us can afford to hop on over and see our loved ones every 3 or 4 months.


My last trip put me in way over my financial head, in fact, I'm concerned that if ShuPing gets her expedited visa before March, I won't be able to afford to get her over here. I'm sure I'll find a way, but the point is, I'm coming up on my one year wedding anniversary and I've had a total of about 6 weeks of physical contact with my wife and once she gets here, we'll likely start in a finacial hole.


If we're talking about bitterness, I can chose to swallow mine, turn a smiling face toward the process and say "Ain't it great!", but it doesn't replace the months of seperation and the sadness in my heart when I dream of her and wake to find that she's not really there.


I console myself with the knowledge that I've really only waited a comparatively short time with the potential of it being even shorter than most, but when I read about the total B*** S*** that others are going through, the inefficiency of the system and the apparent lack of concern by those who run it, well, the bitterness is hard to swallow.


What we're all experiencing to one degree or another, is of our own chosing, but which of us could've or would've refused the love that pulled us into it? If patience is a virtue, then we are some of the most virtuous people in the world. We must also be some of the most dedicated and trusting souls. These are the positives born of this whole waiting game, but, damn, how many times would I have preferred to wake from that dream to find my beloved here beside me?


Hang in there elcajongr, many others here at Candle have fallen into that black hole of information deprivation and they eventually come out the other side. In the meantime, we'll help you fight for it best we can, even if it's only with moral support and encouragement.

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Well put Mark.


Yes, our journey is very hard. I also dream of waking up to find my honey next to me. I think of her every minute of every hour of every lasting day. I also know and trust that our dream will happen one day soon. I am just very happy that after so many years of my life that I have finally found my true love and she has found hers in me.


P.S. - I am here in Canaveral Groves, just North of Cocoa.


-jim (and Ningning)

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Thanks Jim.


It's always good to meet folks from back home. I've lived all over that area, Cocoa, Rockledge, Merritt Island, Cocoa Beach, Mims and Titusville, of course. I got tired of all the bugs and tourists, but I do miss the family and things I grew up with. I haven't been home in awhile because I've been focused on China, but I hope to take ShuPing and the new baby there next year.

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I agree with many of your thougths here, meeting Qi Sheng had been one of the best things that ever happened to me, we choose to be together for the rest of our lives and we knew from the beginning that this process was not going to be easy for us. The system will not change because of our complaints and/or suggestions which they don't care to hear, so we must deal with our minds. I almost went nuts when I realized that GZ kept sending our P3 and it was not reaching its destination, once they registered the P3 it was sent back to him asking for a P3 for his daughter when we clearly stated she was not an intending immigrant, and finally the second name check...... I thought I was really going to lose it here, it's been more than 4 months since it started and it's still "pending", contacted Congressman, GZ, FBI, no idea on when it will be completed. I've come to realize that this is truly a test of love and faith, and it's not easy to see many others who should be behind us who are in queue now for an interview. If it were not for you Candle friends and of course by the open communication I have with my SO, I don't know how I could have survived this terrible times in my life. My best advice is to be assertive when you contact DOS and/or GZ but kind, you have every right to inquire about your case, never ask for a status on your case, because you"ll always get a canned response, let them know that you know exactly where your case should be at any point, and when you get a non-cooperative visa specialist, hang up and call again!!!! In order to keep your sanity, it's very important that you know that you've done everything within your circle of influence to speed up your case and be informed, and keep your mind busy, it's the key to survival. Good luck to all of you in the waiting. :D ;) ;)

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If you look at my timeline, maybe you think I am slow and cautious.  Not the case.  I have already been waiting almost 2 years for piece of paper that will allow me to file I-129F.  - talk about loss of control! I still have year or more to go before Ying can be with me.


I met Ying for the first time in person, we both knew there was spark.  The delay has solidified and strengthed our relationship and commitment.


Use the delay to build your relationship and dream of the good times ahead. I sleep soundly each night because I know, someday, we will spend the rest of our lives together and we are the right match.

Wow Ed, eight visits before the I-129F? Were you already making some of these trips for business? It is great that you could do it, either way.


I met Quan in 9/2002 and we waited until 1/2004 and three visits to file I-129F. We were much delayed between our first and second visits due to the SARS crisis. But we also used to the time to build our relationship and find out more about who we were. I think it is much more important to spend the time before the petition, and know that you have found the right person. Good luck!

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I apologize if I have given some the impression that I am complaining about the long wait. I went into this knowing it would take over a year. I am not complaining about the wait because the reward will more than makeup for any wait. There are too many folks here you have had a much rockier road than I to travel for me to be complaining about the wait. It would be very selfish on my part to think my petition should be processed ahead of anyone period. It is essential for my peace of mind to know that the completed P3 forms have been received and logged at GZ. As everyone knows the visa process is frozen in time until those forms reach GZ. All of my waiting will be to no avail if those forms did not reach GZ. I have heard of too many problems with the China mail system to not have a concern. Am I really being unreasonable to want to know if GZ has my P3 forms so I will know the processing is continuing? Knowing that I am not one of those unfortunate ones who have to wait many months for the security clearance check would also be reassuring. Simply assuming that everything is going to go right is a luxury I can't afford at this stage of my life. It would take someone 30 seconds to give me an yes or no answer. It burns me to think of how much time would have been saved by all by giving one simple direct answer about my P3 forms. Sounds like a great way to create job security to me. If the government adopted a policy of providing a proper answer to its citizens the first time then the GZ and DOS communications workload would be cut in half overnight. So far DOS has used 12 operators to not tell me what one operator could have said on the first call. Meanwhile everyone going thru this process suffers because of problems of the governments own making.

Thanks for listening.

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