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Please tell me I'm wrong

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I apologize if I have given some the impression that I am complaining about the  long wait.

No need to apologize 'elcajongr'.


I think if it were not for the support group of the Candle that gives us a place to vent and express our anger, and then to support each other, we would all have a lot tougher time.


Regarding frustration: I suppose it is not the long wait that bothers me the most, but rather, it is the anticipation and then the disappointment to learn of the stupid delays for which there is no reasonable or logical explanation other than piss-poor management and politics and very prejudice and bias treatment towards Asians coming to America. I suppose some people feel threatened by their superiority. Good Gawd! I don't want to get started on this. Sorry...


Had I known the process would have taken this long, I would have gone back to China to visit her at mid-journey. I love and miss my honey more than anything in the world and I am willing to give up anything and everything I have to be with her, whether she comes here, or I have to go there. I'm sure many others feel the same. We are here to support each other. No need to apologize for venting.


-jim and Ningning

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Once again the wiser heads here at CFL were right. All my worrying and fingernail chewing was time that could have been better spent. The response to my 5th GZ email finally brought the message I was hoping for. Now I can kick back , relax and look forward to that happy day.

Thanks again


Nov 15 email response

"Thank you for your email.

Please be advised that we recently received the forms your fianc¨¦e returned

to us, and the namecheck clearance for her case has been completed. Now the

case is queuing up to be scheduled. Due to heavy workload volume, it seems

that the interview will be in approximately a few months, we will notify the

applicant after the appointment date is set."

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I loved your response. I could feel every bit of the longing you have been feeling. If it were not for this forum and of course, my Leigh back in Nanning, I would find it hard to get through this time. Yes, we have used the time to draw nearer to each other, but we long to be with each other in person. So that we can forget about computers and telephone lines and all the frustrations associated with this process. Every time our hopes rise, they seem to be dashed. But we are getting stronger with each passing day. Thanks for all the support I get from all of you!!!


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That's a great pair of rose colored glasses you got there Dude.  

hi mark,


i'd loan them to you!


maybe i'm just totally unrealistic. see what you think. almost two years ago i was in a serious car accident and got burned over 30% of my body, all upper, including my face. my ears got burned off, the end of my nose, and my face is generally a patchwork quilt of grafts. after about 3 weeks in the burn unit they started letting me come off of the pain meds and i started realizing where i was. i got the impression pretty quickly that i wasn't ever going to look the same because they didn't want to let me look in a mirror, but that just didn't matter to me. i had a good life before, and i just wanted it back. two weeks before that accident i had met yan zi in beijing and proposed. 3 days before the accident i did a hundred mile bike ride. i was 49 years old and it seemed like everything in my life was coming together, after quite a bit of turmoil. and that's all i could think about when i became aware of my surroundings, even though i was so weak i could barely move around in my bed. that accident was 3/11/03. so mark, to me, everything has to be taken in context. i'm lucky to be alive, and be totally functional if not aesthetically what i used to be. i have never looked back to wonder "why me" or anything like that. just gotta keep going forward and be happy for what i have.


like i mentioned in the first part of my post, i went through all of the same frustrations and disappointments as everyone here. we fully expected to get the p4 last july, then that unexplained stoppage, and it just seemed like it would never happen. my point is, in the range of emotions we all go through in the process, if i thought bitterness was requisite, i would not do it. that simple. there is nothing worth having that level of negativity in my life, and i think it would make me not as good for yan zi. that's why i say to those just getting into this, maybe it's not for you. for me, it wasn't easy, but it was sure worth it. to the embittered, come on guys, you don't need that in your lives. things could be worse and they will definitely get better.



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