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I had mixed feelings about that one also. I really don't know how much weight would be given to this answer either good or bad. In the end, I felt honesty was the best policy. On the day Quan signed her form, we had purchased the return ticket, so she included that information. I did build in a substantial amount of time between the interview and our departure. For me, I really want to accompany her back on the flights and through the POE, and I felt it was a gamble well worth taking.

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Question to all:


Supposing that we can not receive an interview before the Chinese New Year, my darling and I have agreed that I will go to visit her one more time. However, this time, we wanted to travel to HK/Omen(Macau)/Vietnam/Thailand (since we have already seen every province in China not absolutely freezing in the Winter time).


I have looked into all of the visa requirements needed, and is the reason we have chosen these destinations. Vietnam does not require a visa anymore for Chinese people, so long as they cross by sea or by land, and Thailand will issue a visa on arrival (if you do not ask the embassy or consulate at home at least!).


However, I am not sure what the US Consulate in GZ will think of this. Is this a highly inadvisable thing to do? What do other people think of this idea?


Has anyone else tried this plan yet, or something similar to it?


Thanks for your help everyone!

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Hey Yuanfen42,

This is no big deal. Just put down your intentions, even if you do not have plane tickets. My husband just put down that he plans to purchase a 1-way ticket to SFO via Shanghai and that I planned to meet him at the airport and bring him back to our home (my address in the US). It wasn't an issue whatsoever. :)



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Question to all:


Supposing that we can not receive an interview before the Chinese New Year, my darling and I have agreed that I will go to visit her one more time.  However, this time, we wanted to travel to HK/Omen(Macau)/Vietnam/Thailand (since we have already seen every province in China not absolutely freezing in the Winter time).


I have looked into all of the visa requirements needed, and is the reason we have chosen these destinations.  Vietnam does not require a visa anymore for Chinese people, so long as they cross by sea or by land, and Thailand will issue a visa on arrival (if you do not ask the embassy or consulate at home at least!).


However, I am not sure what the US Consulate in GZ will think of this.  Is this a highly inadvisable thing to do?  What do other people think of this idea?


Has anyone else tried this plan yet, or something similar to it?


Thanks for your help everyone!

That's a highy ADVISABLE thing to do! Well, in my opinion anyway :) I think it looks good (to the VO during the interview) that your SO has experience traveling to other countries, and thus is a bit more "worldly" or whatever you want to call that. I think some VO's think that some interviewees are just trying to leave China for country X. 98% of the time that is not true, but the VO may think that. But if you can show that your SO has already been outside of China (and thus returned back to China afterwards), then I think that may score one extra point with the VO. and during the interview, every extra point counts. Have a great trip, sounds like a TON of FUN!!!

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I had mixed feelings about that one also. I really don't know how much weight would be given to this answer either good or bad. In the end, I felt honesty was the best policy. On the day Quan signed her form, we had purchased the return ticket, so she included that information. I did build in a substantial amount of time between the interview and our departure. For me, I really want to accompany her back on the flights and through the POE, and I felt it was a gamble well worth taking.

Ditto what Tony said. I had mixed feelings about doing that too. But in the end I decided that honesty really is the best policy, so we wrote down what our travel plans were (I pre-bought all the plane tickets well before the interview). And ... Juxin's interview was a complete success, no problems of any kind.

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