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Guest james&baolan

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Guest james&baolan

Today was the date for my wife's interview, and after 4 hours wait, she walked out with a blue slip. The reason was "lack of a bona fide relationship". I had prepared a ton of emails and chats and all of this was submitted by my wife to the VO. My wife told me he only read a little of the emails, but to our dismay, he picked out one that mentioned my mother and sister flying to China just before I went there myself to visit Baolan for the first time. Amazingly, this is what threw up the red flag! He wanted to know why they didn't visit Baolan during their visit to China!!! And therefore, "we don't have a bona fide relationship!" I'm just going to say one more thing about our emails and chats: it's the stuff love stories are made of. But the VO picks out something totally bizarre and irrevelant to find reason to issue a blue slip. My mother and sister knew very little about Baolan at the time, and the reason they went to China was because they were specially invited by the Chengdu authority because my mother is the daughter of the man who commanded the Flying Tigers during World War II in defense against Japan. Their trip was prepalnned and completely arranged from A to Z.


Here is the reason given for the blue slip: "You have been found ineligible for an immigant visa under Section 221 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. We have carefully reviewed your application for an immigrant visa based upon your relationship to the petitioner. Although we have thoroughly reviewed the particular facts of your case and the evidence you have provided, you have failed to establish that a bona fide relationship exists between you and your petitioner. Should you have further evidence of the bona fides of your relationship to the petitioner, you are welcome to submit that evidence."


Has anyone else ever gotten this before, and can you PLEASE help me as to what else can be given to prove a "bona fide relationship"? I feel like we have already given them everything but the kitchen sink: Emails, chats, pictures, phone bills, letters, cards written. They have apparently ignored all this because my moher and sister happened to travel to China and didn't visit Baolan.


I am here in Guangzhou now, and will probably be able to go into the Consulate Thursday (2 days from now) to give a reply and present whatever can thought of to prove our bona fide relationship. So I need some help quick! Thanks to anyone who can provide some suggestions.

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Hi, I am sorry to hear that.


But now you had better do something. Here are some experience of others,

and hope they will give you some help.


1. You and wife can submit any evidence to consulate from 9 to 10am everyday and you may try to be there to manage to go into the consulate not wait until Thursday.


2. Call your Mum or you wirte an email to her, have her wirte a letter to GZ Consulate to say your family is so happy you both married, looking forward to meeting your wife in USA as a daughter in law. Explain why she could not be able to meet your wife when she was in China and so on and so on... Of course letter will be slow, so ask your mother send it by email to Consulate and also tell Consulate the formal letter will be sent out at once.


How many times have you been to your wife? Is this a CR1 or K3? A lady was denied visa for her CR1, her husband has been China 4 times within 4 years, but still let her submit the real relationship evidence to Consulate. Another was asked to submit evidence for 6 times... Those are only someone's cases, you just take them as a referrence. The bad thing is the Consulate will not tell you what evidence they want.


Oh, another thing they like to deny a visa is the problem of I-864. Please check all those things.


Good luck to you and hope to hear your good news soon!



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You may want to check into it, but I believe that you can send a Global EMS that would get to China in 4 business days. I know I checked into it at one time and this is what I seem to recall. I'm sure a handwritten letter from Mum would go a lot further than an email, if you can get one. If you go to the Post office and ask for the fastest they've got to China, they can tell you.


Good luck!



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I have a Tax payer number for my wife. she has her signature on my lastest tax return, I have saved all the western union money transfer receipts, we have the school tuition payment receipts,. My wife did tell me of a women not given a visa because the VO read an E-mail she had and it was discussing what the officers look for to assume it could be a sham marriage, so beware of what you save in your e-mails. My wife is concerned because her Yahoo name is different than her web server name and the yahoo chats have one name and the e-mails have a different name.

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If as you say, you have a bag full of evidence, it should be easy for your wife to resubmit, and essentially give them evrything AND the kitchen sink... We had a member respond after a Thursday information session that if you respond to a blue slip they must consider everything you submit..


BTW ~ Your mother is a daughter of Claire Chennault ??

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Guest DragonFlower

Dear James


Look at the blueslip thread,I kicked it back to the top.

Since you are in Guangzhou ,take you paperwork in as soon as you can.

Also go to the Thursday afternoon meeting and file a Question form.

This may help you.



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How many times have you been in China with your wife?

Do you have evidence of the previous trips (photos, passport visas, etc)?


To play the devil's advocate... Did you get married within a month of when your mother was in China? That truly sounds odd. But, the demands of her trip may have prevented her from meeting your wife. If it was just your first meeting, and you actually got married 6 months later on a second trip, there shouldn't be any question.


However, to look at it at your point of view. Your mother was in China BEFORE you had actually met your wife in person. It would have been equally odd for her to knock on your wife's door and introduce herself BEFORE you and your wife had met.... Perhaps having your mother meet her first would have sent up red flags of an "arranged" marriage for money.


In fact, I would recommend drafting a letter to the INS from YOURSELF that explains your mother's trip. The constraints on her trip. The constraints on your later trip. How you met your wife, and when you decided to get married. Also point out how awkward it would have been if your mother had met her first.


Maybe have your mother write a letter with a handwritten signature and either scan or fax it to you. She can send an original via priority mail if necessary.


Send your wife back in with your passport and your letter. Perhaps get a good picture of the two of you kissing with the current date on it. Look for new and "unique" evidence to send her back with.


When did you get married? Is she reported on your 2003 taxes?


I don't believe that there is any harm in going back in and them not accepting your "current evidence".


Oh, if you have corresponded with your congressmen... maybe they could write a letter for you too.



----- Clifford -----

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