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Financial Support

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Basic Guidelines...


- 125% National Poverty Level

- Approx $15,000 for a couple, no children, no dependents

- Divide the value (equity) in assets by 5 and add to income.

- 1 yr tax returns required for K1 and I believe K3.

- 3 yrs tax returns required for CR1/IR1 and AOS (later for K1/K3)


I would not recommend trying calculate it to the penny....


If you can't make the cutoff, or are very close, then get a co-sponsor. BOTH OF YOU HAVE TO FILL IT OUT.


I believe that your cosponsor has to be able to meet the 125% level counting all their dependents. Anybody they have cosoponsored, plus your fiancee/wife (and maybe you too).


If you are applying for AOS... and she is already in the USA, I don't know why they need all 3 years of taxes, or what woudl happen if you had low income 2 years ago.

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Oh, I think there is something about an employer letter on the form too.


However, I think most of what you need is the monitary values.


Depending on when your fiancee/wife will have her interview, you may have a chance to use either 2003 or 2004 tax returns. But... income in 2005 may not be important until the AOS much later, if at all.


----- CK -----

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I believe that if your interview is BEFORE April 14, then you can justify sending the 2003 forms.


However, if possible, you might consider a co-sponsor. If you go K3, I believe that you use the I-134 which in theory IS NOT legally binding.


If you go CR1, you will need the I-864 which IS legally binding (I have heard).


AOS also requires the I-864 (legally binding).


I wouldn't recommend quitting your current job until you have a good NEW JOB. Remember, you are planning for an eventual interview which is likely 6 months in the future. That may be good or bad for you. Remember Murphy's law... if it can go wrong, it will.... Thus don't count on the date being either before or after April.


----- Clifford ----

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