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For Buddha's sake

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Hi all,


I have been watching this site now for months without becoming a member or posting. I started my K-1 processing the begining of 9/2003, now I am reaching my witts end with this (insert expletive here) process.

Our p-3 was returned to GZ in early june.


So, Like most of the people on here I do the regular drill of calling DOS, e-mailling GZ, and monitoring the websites for changes.


I call DOS about every other week now so I can spend 50 minutes on hold to get a two minute conversation with a person who relays the ambiguous messages to me. "Should be within X months," thats what you said last time. "Oh, should still be X months, help you with anything else sir?" Last call to DOS on 9/27/04 they said our paperwork was completed and "in que" for appointment. :greenblob:


I E-mail GZ through the website approximatly once a month, I receive the automated reply, but I seldom get a e-mail back(my ratio is 1 of 3 replied).

For the most part I get the standard scripted ambiguos form letter. :redblob:


Everyday I come to this site to check for hints of upcoming P-4's. I have to say that this site has some of the best information out there. I also noticed that members aren't afraid to refer people to other sites to find information either. I think the members all seem to be great people and are genuine in their actions as well. We all share a common goal and it is great to see everyone helping one another to reach the finish line.


I guess I started this post with the intention of ranting about *&^%ing GZ, but it somehow turned into a post of praise for the members of CFL. : :redblob:


Thanks for letting me vent.



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:D Welcome Aboard :D


One of the reasons this site is so good and informative is that everyone adds all of the in and outs that are learned or heard of by taking the time to pass them on for everyone. There are a lot of timelines to compare with and some of the members have compiled lists from DHL tracking numbers to Package-3 receipt dates to a new one just started, reasons for Blue slips. Don put together a list of all the P-3 and P-4 forms that can be downloade for use or referenced for comparison. The information here is endless and still growing. There is always someone here that will listen and help you keep things in perspective. So pass along what you have also, every little bit helps. :D


I don't know where I would be without this place :blink: :unsure:

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Welcome to candle. I have also had my share of problems. I wouldn't have realized the full extent of the problems I had, unless it wasn't for the information we share on CFL. The other sites have useful information, but the people here are what makes Candle different. There is no substitute for experiance.

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Hi shalaowai! Welcome to CFL!


Our timeline is not quite as long as yours, but we are in a similar predicament now. We returned P3 in late May and got entered into GZ in early June. At that time the appointments were being made for March P3s, and it has been painful to watch the slow trickle of appointments since then. Back in June, I never imagined that I would be here in mid-Oct still waiting for some news of an appointment.


The waiting is difficult, but I feel if we at least had an appointment and could start making plans based on that date, that the whole thing would be more bearable. I plan to travel to GZ for the interview, and hopefully to travel back to the US with my fiancee. It has been frustrating to not be able to give my employer notice of my vacation. Frustrating to have to redo all of the I-134 forms and letters. Frustrating not to be able to shop for airline tickets. Frustrating not to be able to make any firm wedding plans.


I try to be understanding of the incredible workload that is placed on the consulate, and that these are difficult times we live in. I try to remember that there are a lot of fates that could be much worse than this, and hopefully we will look back one day and say that it was worth every moment of the waiting.

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Welcome to venter's paradise shalaowai. Jingwen and I spent a little over a year from the I-129F filing to her arrival in the US, and I hit upon CFL after the NOA2. What a great site - not only chock full of great information but great people too.


Just consider CFL your extended family. Vent when you want to, share the good, share the bad, read about the experiences of others, and help where you can. You'll find it both rewarding and a great way to pass the endless hours of waiting.

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