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Another letter postponed

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Due to the highly informative answers to nearly all of our questions which we have now received from Maura Harty in her letter posted by Joseph, I do not feel the need to write another group letter right now, and am postponing the one I was writing. Any other letters someone might want to write, I would not want to stop you. But I would like to see what happens over the next couple of weeks. I believe it is going to be pretty exciting.


As a side note, I got an email today from GZIV which informed me that my wife's daughter's clearance had been received, but that of my wife is still pending.


It could be really happening, y'all. :rolleyes:

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Thank you Robert,

Right, we can wait for a week to see any progress before we consider the need to send another letter. We all hope that we don't need to do that :D .

Congratulation! half of your clarance has been done. :D


Does that mean GZ is working on Sunday also. Today is their Sunday. :o


God bless everyone.

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A letter to Harty would also have to wait because she will be out of the office next week.

Also, right now, we all need to find out just when your case was submitted for the clearance.

The August, September, and part of October group was and still is in the back hole.

As of sometime around Nov. 1 the process changed.

The black hole batch was being re-submitted durring the time from Nov.1 untill the 5100 clearance came in, then the se-submitting entries stop to work on the 5100. This is why only some from the black hole group have visas now. Most of the re-submittals for the black hole were side-lined.

From the letter Joseph got and my call to CA, seems to be close to the same info.

From my conversation with CA Friday, the extra help team to GZ seems to be real, also more temp help has been sent to DOS name check division to clear up the black hole group.


The big question is, when will all the names be re-submitted?

The next letter should be very clear in content.

When will all the black hole group be re-submitted?

And do they have your info to be re-submitted?

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Congratulations, Robert! Your glass is now 1/2 full! :D  :rolleyes:  It would be nice to get a letter out to CNN thanking them for their time and effort though.

Jim, I feel a little gratitude toward whoever the producer was there at CNN who slanted the story the way they did, which was helpful to our cause, but this does not nearly balance the degree of animosity I have for CNN the network for ignoring this story for 5 months. They claim to be a news organization but they intentionally ignored this news for nearly half a year. Then when they did run a story they used it as only a, and I quote, "small story" which was just a four-minute feature having to do with a curiosity, a human interest story, not hard news. They made no effort to investigate the root cause of the delay or to inform us exactly which are the torpid agencies that are supposed to be doing the clearances. The feature they did finally air was highly respectful toward us and I do appreciate that, and for this we have the human interest features department there to thank. But far more then this thanks does the network news management deserve contempt.

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Congratulations on you 1/2 good news. When was your wife's interview? On 12/30 I was told by DOS to call back on 1/6. This time I will ask for greg. I hope we all will be getting good news soon.

                                                                        Tine & Ella

                                                                        Indianapolis & Shanghai

Tine & Ella,

FYI: it is their standard answer to people whose case is not cleared. I have been told numerous times to "call back next week" by Greg, Sahra, etc. They try to appear helpful and sort of giving you some hope. Don't want to destroy your hope; but this is my experience.


PA - Shanghai

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Congratulations on you 1/2 good news. When was your wife's interview? On 12/30 I was told by DOS to call back on 1/6. This time I will ask for greg. I hope we all will be getting good news soon.

                                                                        Tine & Ella

                                                                        Indianapolis & Shanghai

Tine & Ella,

FYI: it is their standard answer to people whose case is not cleared. I have been told numerous times to "call back next week" by Greg, Sahra, etc. They try to appear helpful and sort of giving you some hope. Don't want to destroy your hope; but this is my experience.


PA - Shanghai

The Info line, (Greg/Sara) is for info only.

If you want things done, you need to call the CA office.

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Still better than what I saw on FOX, ABC, NBC, or CBS. A thank you note with an, "OH, by the way!", might be helpful in the future. :P  :D

Oh yes, no doubt better than the lack of coverage from the other television networks. Better late than never. I sure would like to know WHY they have all failed to cover this story. I mean, Michael Jackson's nose gets more coverage than 10,000 visa delays. But, you know, the New York Times had an article about it a couple months ago, then the Washington Post, seems like the networks would have deemed it newsworthy since these major newspapers did.


Wow, I finally got my fourth blue thingy!!! -_-

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