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Visas being issued to Malaysians

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Saw this piece this morning in The New York Times:


The American Embassy in Kuala Lumpur said it would issue hundreds of visas that had been held back for months because of increased security fears in the United States. It said the approvals would include "virtually all" of about 150 backlogged visas for students wishing to study in the United States. Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim nation and an ally in the United States' campaign against terror, has complained about visa delays and about the aggressive security checks of its citizens at American airports.



If only we could find out which Senator or Representative (you know there had to be at least one) lobbied DOS on behalf of the Malaysians. And while I do not necessarily disagree with the description of Malaysia as an "ally" in the war on terror, let us also not forget that it has been well-documented by the CIA that Al Qaeda cells are actively operating there, even if it is without the approval of the Malaysian government. Let us also not forget that many of the 9-11 hijackers gathered for a meeting in Kuala sometime in 2000 to plot the attack. I would also be curious to learn the average wait time for these students, as compared to our wives and fiancees.


Just some food for thought on a "slow news" weekend.

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And by the way, that was followed by another story about how many Chinese immigrants from Fujian Province are now leaving NYC, where the vast majority of them settle when they come to the US, and moving to other US cities to open restaurants and other businesses. That is a good thing.

However, with regard to the couple featured in the article, it turns out that the mother/wife paid a smuggler $30,000 for a fake passport so she could illegally enter the U.S. "Why be troubled with all this visa business?", I am sure she was thinking. That is a bad thing.

But because her husband was given asylum in the US on religious grounds (another good thing), she was given legal residence as well. In other words, she suffered no consequences for her blatant disregard and violation of US immigration law.

What a great message to send to the vast majority of immigrants, like our loved ones, who buy their tickets, stand in line, and follow the rules.

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