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Write a thanks letter to CNN

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I would suggest to write a letter to CNN to say thanks. This could encourage the media to report our story. Let CNN feel the report has a positive feedback.


I will write one after work and send. But I am at work now, so don't have much time to write. If someone could write for group letter, thank you very much and I will sign it.



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I agree.. I think given the opportunity and a little coaxing.. the media can be very helpful.  I sent the CNN producer an email this morning thanking him personally, but from a group to CNN - maybe it will motivate them to do a followup story?

Yes, Kevin,

That is what in my mind also. They would do a follow up story if they see many feedback.


The follow up could be one of the two:

1. By the Chinse new year, many of us received visa and some united in the US, they can camera: the loved ones together with tear in the eyes.

2. Two months passed, there still a problem with clearance, they can give another interview, then give DOS and GZ more pressure.


Of course, we all like to see the first follow up. :D :lol:



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Guest bbridges51

OK, i'll play cynic. The press will follow this story only as long as they can make money from it. To hear so many media refer to our finacees as "mail order brides" shows the true shallowness of their thinking.


They came, they reported, and they left. Unless we can mix sex and scandel into this equation, they won't be back.



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OK, i'll play cynic.  The press will follow this story only as long as they can make money from it. To hear so many media refer to our finacees as "mail order brides" shows the true shallowness of their thinking.


They came, they reported, and they left. Unless we can mix sex and scandel into this equation, they won't be back.





I agree with you in certain degree, but It would be nice to write a thanks letter even they don't follow up. They deserve that. As least, they made more people aware of the problem.

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