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Top Ten Reasons For This Forum!!!!!

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This is just my personal opinion of what was intended by this extremely helpful site!!



10) A place to give anyone mired in this Visa process, a chance to offer and receive help


9) A place to find support, guidance and have some fun


8) A place to vent intelligently, respect others opinions, and to have a little fun


7) A place to learn from others who have been there, done that


6) A place where I hope/believe many people will become and remain friends, long after this Visa situation has become a seven letter word, HISTORY


5) A place too share thoughts, ideas, suggestions & first hand information


4) A place to learn from others mistakes, and to also learn from ones own mistakes


3) A place to help others, with respect, kindness and sensitivity, and have some fun


2) A place to come and commiserate, with others in similar situations


1) A place to give and receive as much help as possible until everyone gets their loved ones visas, and into this country ASAP Which I believe is still the best country in the WORLD to live in !!!!


Remember we are all in this together!!


And ALWAYS remember everyone is



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