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hi all,


got a message today from a person on g7. he said he contacted his congressman, who contacted gz, about when his fiance would get an interview.


she sent the p3 on may 26, the day after yan zi sent ours.


gz told the congressman that the interview would likely be around the middle of october, and the p4 would be arriving "in a few weeks."


does anyone suppose that the congressman's contact got the case pulled out of queue, or is this logjam finally breaking up?



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Yeah, but the last batch only covered about half of April's, and the batch before that only the butt end of March, and about half of April... so if they will go from the butt end of april all the way through May 26 in the next batch... that would be like a 1-1 ratio... not catching up necessarily... but a hell of a lot better than the past few months! :)

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I guess we'll see if they've been telling the truth about the student visa backlog.  Now that those are done, we should get back to the 1:1 ratio.

Yeah, hopefully slightly better so the backlog will clear up... otherwise next time the USCIS makes them change something, or the get additional petitions, the backlash will only be worse.

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Well, another Monday, another "no interview scheduled" from DOS... Looking back, the main batch of September interviews went out around July 17-18. So it looks like we are falling just a bit behind schedule... I wonder if this is somehow related to the apparent shutdown of the gz email system ;)

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does anyone suppose that the congressman's contact got the case pulled out of queue, or is this logjam finally breaking up?

I say "no" on both accounts. A May 26 P3 getting a mid-October interview is well within the standard typical bell-curve thing, so I don't think that P3 is getting any kind of special treatment. We sent our P3 on April 21 and all signs currently point towards an late September or early October interview. So a mid-October interview for a late-May P3 would be a lucky shot, but certainly not a leap frog in front of others.


No, I don't think any logjams are about to bust. [sarcasm]GZ is still doing their best to maintiain a 5 to 6 month delay from P3 to P4 [/sarcasm]. Whereas the wait used to be 4 to 6 weeks, back in the good ol' days. Nothing at all indicates that GZ will go from a 6 month average wait to a 4 week wait ... not in our lifetimes anyway :(

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