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Second reply from Maura A. Harty

Guest kiffie

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Guest kiffie

Read this and weap...... All you people that don't want to complain... They are walking my VISA CASE THROUGH.... I GOT A PHONE CALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.... Thank you MRS. MAURA A HARTY


So for the MR. Roberts S who think that my rude emails are bad... HA....


I sat in silence for 18 months and trusted my GOVERNMENT, what ddid I get, No CLEAREANCE YET.... Now they, Oh not they Mrs. MAURA is now walking my case....


We all need to complaain every single day, I tell you what if you owed TAXES they would have you in JAIL. Owe a bill, they would visit your HOUSE. Fail to pay on time... LATE CHARGE... and INTEREST.... Now who is RUDE..... The point that I am trying to make here is; They the US GOVERNMENT TOLD ME 4 to 6 weeks. I've waited almost 6 MONTHS...


GO AHEAD lay down and sleep... While you sleep others will get their VISA'S before you.



Mr. Larson: Please don't feel that you need to thank me for writing back.

This is what we do! I do very much regret this problem and understand

completely your point. I have already put someone on to finding out just

what is happenning in your specific case. You should hear from them soon.

Sincerely, Maura Harty


-----Original Message-----

From: U KNOW WHO THIS IS :rolleyes:

Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 12:01 PM

To: U KNOW WHO THIS WENT TO :rolleyes:



I truly appreciate what ever you can do. Yes it's been a very long wait. We


a canned reply when we call and maybe this is all they are allowed to say.


just a truthful and honest answer would go much further.


We have been waiting over 18 months total for this VISA.


It is hard to explain to Hai Ying who sees everyday others get their VISA'S

when they have interviewed in September, October and November. What do I





Just think if you took your child to see a movie. You bought your ticket,


wait in line. Then when the door opens they tell your child to wait and thy


others in. Your child ask why??? You say I will ask. They tell you, just


Now you do this for 5 months....


This is what we go thought everyday with our lives. We are real people,


with finicial burdens just trying to be happy in a world filled with



I'm not asking the GOVERNMENT for a free ride, just our VISA that we have


approved for and waited for.


Our names should be handled first before any other VISA'S are issued, this


what's fair.


Last I want to say at least thank you for writing back to me.




Cliff J. Larson

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I feel its time to come out of the closet...I havnt to this point as I was concerned that my good news would piss you guys off.


I agree with kiffie totally. I had called Ms. Harty in mid December and plead my case. Somehow, someway (act of God?), GZ called my fiance at home on the 19th and asked her how soon she could come to Guangzhou to pick up her visa. My fiance told them she hasnt received her EMS letter yet and was afraid the Consulate would not let her in. So GZ faxed it to her 5 minutes later, then called back to confirm receipt.


That afternoon she flew down to GZ. The following morning she dropped off her passport. When she got there, the guard at the gate knew her by name when she gave him her passport - the security guard knew about her!! That is just crazy.


That afternoon she picked up her visa and will be here the 15th. I apologize for not sharing this earlier - but I didnt for two reasons... the first being that all of it happened so fast that I really feared I would jinx it! The second, is I know some of you have waited longer than I (not by much though).. and I didnt want to upset anybody.


I have not taken my fortune for granted and have made the decision that I will continue to keep visadelays.com up to date and monitor these forums to see if I can help anyone....

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Guest kiffie

Thank you so much Kandy for coming forward with your good news....


Come on everone.... get on wagon and stay... Don't give up our cause to gain our VISA'S... You don't owe the Government anything..... they owe US.... They work for US.... They need to hear our VOICES everyday....


My GOD, I bet you would BITCH to the Telephone Company if they cut your phone off... This is bigger.... This is our lives they are dealing with everyday....


I'm not just going to lie down any more and wait... I've waited long enough... MY GOVERNMENT owes me....... I've paid my debt to live in this country by spending 11 YEARS in the NAVY, paying TAXES for 48 YEARS and never once gotten in trouble nor ever even a ticket... I filled out every form, crossed every T and dotted every i on every single form....


I want my VISA and I want it NOW !!!!!!!

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Congratulations to both of you. Yes it is nice to know that someone is actually listening and at the very least trying to do something about this major SNAFU with all the August & September interviews. Mr L. please let us know when you actually get your visa.



Once again congratulations and good luck with your future!!!!

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Guest seafloor06

Congratulations. However, we shouldn't have to call to get efficiency (or rather correct inefficiencies). That is BS. They should fix the system.


All you with cases pending should keep calling, if nothing else it should reinforce that there is a problem. Maybe they'll get around to doing something about it one of these days so future visa applicants won't have to call.

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what you may be missing, is that one call here or there will reveal a problem for an individual case. then that case will be corrected, and the overall situation will remain unknown.


over the last two weeks or so, multitudes of phone calls have poured in to Harty's office - ever since her name was first brought up on this site. those many many calls have shown DOS that there is a BIGGER problem than just a few visas that slipped through the cracks.


those militant enough to refuse to talk to the "visa experts", those angry enough to make the phone calls instead of sending letter after letter, the individuals who pushed their government reps to get involved - they are the ones who have brought us all to the brink of success.


i still have very real concerns that if DOS pushed all of our namechecks through TODAY, we would still be at the mercy of the ineptitude of the GZ embassy. they could drag out visa issuance for several more months.


we are on the right track, and i would expect new news very soon.

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It is unfair only if they ASK for the same treatment, and are then denied. The operative word is "ASK", as in, REQUEST ACTION, as in DEMAND THAT YOUR RIGHTS BE RESPECTED, not sit back and tell others to just keep waiting for good news. Do you think Cliff would be in the position he is in today if he followed the path that you, David, and some of the other " be positive, live and let live, etc." crowd advocate? Of course not.

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The problem with that I see with this thread is that a few cases are getting a lot of attention,and Praise God for That. The problem is that in doing so it will utimately overshadow many of those cases which are equally deserving of resolution. Its the flash bulb principle. The world lights up for one blinding instant,and then its darker than before. Far too many people are burning up the phone lines and internet with so much fire that we may just give our newly found rescuers "Maura Harty and Company a bad impression and defeat the very cause we are fighting for. Be carefull who's

" A " you kick today, for tommorrow it may be the one you have to kiss.

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Read this and weap...... All you people that don't want to complain... They are walking my VISA CASE THROUGH.... I GOT A PHONE CALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.... Thank you MRS. MAURA A HARTY


So for the MR. Roberts S who think that my rude emails are bad... HA....


I sat in silence for 18 months and trusted my GOVERNMENT, what ddid I get, No CLEAREANCE YET.... Now they, Oh not they Mrs. MAURA is now walking my case....


We all need to complaain every single day, I tell you what if you owed TAXES they would have you in JAIL. Owe a bill, they would visit your HOUSE. Fail to pay on time... LATE CHARGE... and INTEREST.... Now who is RUDE..... The point that I am trying to make here is; They the US GOVERNMENT TOLD ME 4 to 6 weeks. I've waited almost 6 MONTHS...


GO AHEAD lay down and sleep... While you sleep others will get their VISA'S before you.



Mr. Larson: Please don't feel that you need to thank me for writing back.

This is what we do! I do very much regret this problem and understand

completely your point. I have already put someone on to finding out just

what is happenning in your specific case. You should hear from them soon.

Sincerely, Maura Harty


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 12:01 PM




I truly appreciate what ever you can do. Yes it's been a very long wait. We


a canned reply when we call and maybe this is all they are allowed to say.


just a truthful and honest answer would go much further.


We have been waiting over 18 months total for this VISA.


It is hard to explain to Hai Ying who sees everyday others get their VISA'S

when they have interviewed in September, October and November. What do I





Just think if you took your child to see a movie. You bought your ticket,


wait in line. Then when the door opens they tell your child to wait and thy


others in. Your child ask why??? You say I will ask. They tell you, just


Now you do this for 5 months....


This is what we go thought everyday with our lives. We are real people,


with finicial burdens just trying to be happy in a world filled with



I'm not asking the GOVERNMENT for a free ride, just our VISA that we have


approved for and waited for.


Our names should be handled first before any other VISA'S are issued, this


what's fair.


Last I want to say at least thank you for writing back to me.




Cliff J. Larson

First Off, Mr. Robert S. Has done us all a service by working to get some well deserved attention for our cause. That alone has earned my respect.

After all is said and done those individuals who chose to lash out in unbridled anger will make a big mess,but wont be around to help clean it up. Please remember that life is hard enough when we are just trying to Live and let Live. A simple principle to live by,but a saving grace none the less. We are not enemies we are defenders of a common cause.


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Great job to both of you,

I faxed letter 1/1/03 to Ms. Harty. I hope I get the same response. I also e-mailed William Martin @GZ. Also sent another fax to Senator Richard Lugar R-IND and asked for his help. I will keep every one posted if I hear anything.

                                                            Tine & Ella

                                                            Indianapolis &  Shanghai

I faxed a letter to Maura Harty on 12/27/2002 When I know the results

of that letter I will post them. In the meantime I am working and waiting

to determine what my next move will be.

Blessed Be.

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Mr. Larson: Please don't feel that you need to thank me for writing back.

This is what we do! I do very much regret this problem and understand

completely your point. I have already put someone on to finding out just

what is happenning in your specific case. You should hear from them soon.

Sincerely, Maura Harty


Allright, I am going to go ahead and say what I imagine a lot of your are thinking: If Maura Harty wrote this email, I AM A MONKEY'S UNCLE.



In any case, Kiffie, no one ever said we should not complain. What we said is that people shouldn't act like morons. Pretty much everyone who posts to this board has written to or spoken with their government representatives, the media, Guangzhou, the DOS, and/or Consular affairs. It is likely the great number of people who have done this in a calm, respectful manner that helped push your visa towards the edge, rather than your rude tactics and offensive tone.



In case you were wondering, I got pretty much the same results last week after calling CA and leaving my case number with them. They promised that they would have someone personally look into my case and see that it is finished (along with the other visas) by the end of the month. I didn't have to harass people, write rude letters, bitch people out on the phone, or be rude to everyone here on this board. I pretty much got the same results you did without being a @#!#, and likely with much less effort.



As for K, there is no reason for you to feel guilty about not telling us about this. However, you case seems to be different in that your wife appears to have already been cleared, and simply had not received an EMS (just like "Oyster"). Correct me if I am wrong.


Have a nice life Kiffie, hope you aren't like this all the damn time.

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