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How long are documents valid

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Hi everyone... back in April I put a package together for my fiance...it contained the bank letter and balances on my accounts. At the time when I thought this process took only 6 to 8 months (foolish me), I rushed this info to her feeling sure it would be current for her interview.


My P3 was received by Guangzhou on July 9, and based on other timelines I don't expect an interview date till October. or November..by then my bank information is going to be 6 months old!


I will be sending a new I-134 since I have started a new job, and I want to get everything done in one mailing..so , should need to go back to the bank and ask for all financials AGAIN?

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I'm in the same boat actually, well, except for believing that the process would only take 6-8 months. :( My understanding is that the consulate will not look that closely at bank information as long as you have income that exceeds the minimum poverty level. However, if you're already going to send a new Letter of Employment, might as well send the bank letter again as well.



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I would think it would be good to take the trouble to get it again, because if they want to deny you, they can get any excuses, old documents could be one. When I had my interview, I passed the documents on to the officer like bank letter stuff, the officer returned them to me without looking at them, he said he didnt need it, and there was another girl in different situation, they denied her for the reason that they needed another document from her.

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I'm in the same boat too. My financial docs are dated April (the time of her P3), but her interview won't be until .... September? October??


So I'm going to bring two sets of financial docs just to be safe. The first original set (dated April), then as soon as we learn when her interview will be, I'll go and get a second round of such documents with some fresh new August or September dates on them. Better to be safe than sorry :rolleyes:

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Guest blsqueaky

It is so hard to predict what they will ask for and what they are looking for. When Ling went for her interview, she was so worried about getting the I-134 in time, then they did not even ask for it. Oh, we are also K-3, but then again, you can never be sure, so I guess better be safe then sorry, and no such thing as too much info.

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Birth certificates and divorce decrees don't have an expiration date. Police checks, single certificates and medical checks expire after a year. The I-134 by its very nature is only good for the year you submit it because it requires income tax records filed for that year. Last February there was a bunch of blue slips issued because of the benificiary not having 2003 income tax records. The petitioners hadn't filed yet. I believe the solution was to send W-2s for that year.


I believe the issue here though is new forms taking the place of outdated ones, You will need to go to the USCIS website to get the newest forms.

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