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Just before going to China, I spent about 6 weeks dieting to lose some extra weight, fit comfortably in my 34's etc. It also helped make me a little more confident. Well, of course while in China, the diet went bye bye. I packed on about 8 pounds on my trip.


I planned to get back on it when I got back. Then the next week... then the next week... then...


I've been avoiding the scale. A few days ago I just had to know. Good lord...


Dieting now. At least one upside to the wait is I'll probably have ample time to be below where I was when I went to China by the time Jun gets here. The downside... no cheetos! :P


Urg... pray for me...

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Hey JP,


I always thought Roanoke was hill country.....


I always gain 5 lbs. in the rainly OR winter, and lose it in the summer ( compared to my youthful, athletic weight --- I'm 35 lbs. heavier).


But the thing is, hike the hills! Thats what I do in Oregon, plus row on the river in one of those "skinny boats" (a shell) several times a week... When I'm with Fei in China, I always lose weight! --- expect to when she gets here to!

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Ah I believe I forgot to tell you JP but I used to live about 50 miles south of you in the sleepy little town of Dublin. I lived there most of 1985. Nice country nice people. I love that part of Va.

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hmmm I think I'm one of the only people to have put on weight while in China???


Of course I stop smoking just a week or so before hopping on that 18 hour flight from JFK back in sept of 2002.


Than was back home in OCT of that year and back in good ole Shenzhen on Nov 02/2002 and never been back.


I'm now faced with a closet of cloths, well pants I brought over that serve mainly as a soft warm comfy spot for Tucker our cat to curl up on..;)


and Yikes!!! I have two rounds of new pants bought.. the second round because the first round was , hmmm a little too tight..sigh :(


I have packe on around 25 lbs and mostly in my belly, which I have never ever had before awwwwwwwwwww not fair!!


In the video's I'll post of our trip to GZ I look like shit!! heheh some of it is because of the no sleep and other is just me going to hell in my old age.. awwww still not fair!!


Well the weather should become more beariable by the end of the month so I can get back to bike riding and hopefully work off some of this weight.. the ugly?? well guess that is for life sigh.. damn good thing I'm married now... hehehe


Mark and Bea abd Baby

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I lost 10% of my body weight earlier this year travelling for 7 weeks throughout Southeast Asia. I think it was all the walking that I was doing because I also had blisters on my feet. I didn't weigh myself until I returned home and I was slightly shocked. I wasn't overweight to begin with and hadn't seen those numbers on my scale for more than 25 years. Great way to diet if you need to diet. I took about 3 or 4 weeks to gain the weight back once I returned home.

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I gained a huge amount of weight the last time I went to China. I was there for 19 days and put on 20 lbs of weight, more than a pound a day!!!


It might have something to do with the fact that I'm kind of on the Atkins diet. I've been on it for almost 5 years now. Used to weigh 220, went on the Atkins, lost 40 pounds in a few months, kept it off ever since.


Except for when I went to China. I completely went off the Atkins diet over there. Started at 180, came back weighing nearly 200 ... now that's good living!!! I think it had to do with eating all the noodles and bread and cake :blink:


Once back home and on the Atkins again, I lost the extra weight in no time and was back down to 180 in about 6 weeks or so.

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