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I've been lurking around CFL for a while now and gotten some helpful info with our application, so I thought I might make a few postings with our schedule and what not in the event that it is helpful to someone else.


Our situation looks a bit different from many of the others I've read on here, since I've lived in China for about 6 years, met my fiance here and she's traveled to the U.S. several times, but I'm guessing we'll face the same hurdles as everyone else. Feel free to ask me any questions.

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:D Welcome Aboard :D Yes, it is nice to have other time lines to look at and compare with, thankyou. Your lucky to be filing through the Vermont Service Center, it is the only one that seems to move at consistant progression. Sounds like you have an interesting story to tell, living in China for the last 6 years. If you have time please tell us about it.



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Welcome!!! Well, at least you're going through VSC which should accelerate your timeline a bit. Also living with your fiancee already will relieve one of the most frustrating aspects of this process.


Glad you decided to pass some of the time with us!

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Thanks for the welcomes. Yes I know I am lucky to being going through VSC, and actually had somewhat of a choice and picked it because of information I got from sites like CFL. I'm originally from NY (hence Vermont) but am currently going to school in Minnesota (which would have been Nebraska), but Vermont seemed to be processing K1 visa apps a bit faster, and since I haven't officially established any kind of residency for Minnesota, I decided to go for Vermont. Seems to have worked to my advantage.


So, I'll still be separated from my fiance for a bit too then - back to school in a just a few weeks. I studied a few times in China, and then worked here (in Shanghai) for about 4 years, before deciding to return to the U.S. for school. I've been seeing my fiance for .. oh .. about 5 years .. so if I'd found CFL this time last year, I would have started the application process a bit earlier and we'd be good to go now. Oh well.

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I also would love to here any stories about China, good, bad, or otherwise. After 6 years, I'm sure you have a few.

Well, I used to keep a journal with all my impressions, but that ended a long time ago. When you first get to a new place (whether it be a new country, a new city, or school or whatever) lots of experiences are new and seem exciting. After a while though, everything just blends together and things seem like home. Shanghai has developed at such a rapid pace that it would be impossible for me to say I know everything about the city, but I've lived in China long enough that things like going to the supermarket or finding a restaurant are no longer an adventure.


It's been interesting for me to read people's impressions of their first visits to China on this site. I had some similar feelings when I first came in 1994. Whole different country back then, though.


When I get some time I'd like to travel more around southwestern and western China. But that's going to have to wait a few years.

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When I get some time I'd like to travel more around southwestern and western China.  But that's going to have to wait a few years.


I took a short 7 week trip through five Southeast Asia countries. I loved every minute of it. While you are in the neighborhood, cross the border, and slip down into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Luang Prabang, Laos was my favorite spot in all of Southeast Asia. Changmai, Thailand was another great place. Can't wait 'til I can do some more exploring.

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Welcome Viking. Yes, tell us about your China adventures. Like John, my time in China has been limited-about two months total. Long ago in another life I spent 4 years in some of the very places John recently revisited. Also, like John, I'm thinking of revisiting. But for now spill what you know about my wife's homeland. I am very seriously thinking oaf moving to Zhanjiang China in about 5 years--at least spending half the year there (winters only).


Anyway, welcome to the candle. There are a lot of great people around here with some interesting experiences.


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I took a short 7 week trip through five Southeast Asia countries. I loved every minute of it. While you are in the neighborhood, cross the border, and slip down into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Luang Prabang, Laos was my favorite spot in all of Southeast Asia. Changmai, Thailand was another great place.

I've never been to northern Thailand, but will make it some day. I think my travels in southwestern Yunnan would be similar though. I was going to go to Changmai last summer, but decided to learn to dive with a friend instead on Koh Tau. I've been to Thailand several times, and did a trip around 6 weeks through Southeast Asia myself, with stops in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). I've been to northern Vietnam as well (Hanoi and Halong Bay). The two weeks I spent travelling in Myanmar were really fascinating and I highly recommend a trip. Cambodia has been on my list for a long time; I hope Tomb Raider doesn't ruin the experience for me when I finally do make it there.


Can't wait 'til I can do some more exploring.


Me too!

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Cambodia is the best trip you could ever take! I went and bought a three day pass but after three days I bought another three day pass because I couldn't bear to leave. After Cambodia- I didn't really even like Thailand that much. There is so much to see, Angor Waht (sp) and Angor Thom and tons more- we hired motorcycle drivers and they took us everywhere. It was such a good trip.

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I took a short 7 week trip through five Southeast Asia countries. I loved every minute of it. While you are in the neighborhood, cross the border, and slip down into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Luang Prabang, Laos was my favorite spot in all of Southeast Asia. Changmai, Thailand was another great place.

I've never been to northern Thailand, but will make it some day. I think my travels in southwestern Yunnan would be similar though. I was going to go to Changmai last summer, but decided to learn to dive with a friend instead on Koh Tau. I've been to Thailand several times, and did a trip around 6 weeks through Southeast Asia myself, with stops in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). I've been to northern Vietnam as well (Hanoi and Halong Bay). The two weeks I spent travelling in Myanmar were really fascinating and I highly recommend a trip. Cambodia has been on my list for a long time; I hope Tomb Raider doesn't ruin the experience for me when I finally do make it there.


Can't wait 'til I can do some more exploring.


Me too!


I liked Hanoi's old quarter and Halong Bay. Halong Bay is similar to Guilin and the Vietnamese were adament that it was more beautiful. I liked both places.


Sapa in the northwest of Vietnam near the Chinese border was a wonderful place. It borders Yunnan Province and many of the ethnic minorities originally came from Yunnan and western China.


I enjoyed Northern Thailand much better than the South. I went to Koh Samui which had wonderful beaches but too many westerners for my liking. I did a quick stop in Pattaya but it was a much different place than my first trip there 35 years ago.


The poverty in Cambodia is visible immediately and more pronounced than other countries in the region. But I really loved Cambodia and its people. They are so hopeful, and optimistic about the future, and very friendly. I took a 3 hour boat ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Great picture opportunities. Angor Wat was a sight to behold.


But Luang Prabang is the best preserved city in all of Asia. The entire city is a UN World Heritage Site. It does not have the traffic that other Asian cities have. The people are extremely friendly and very generous. It is a very relaxing, laid back, sleepy town. I loved it.


I got to the border of Myanmar but did not have time to travel there. Thanks for the recomendation. I will try to go there next time I am in that neighborhood.

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