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Cliff and Kim

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Hmmm I got an email once called then and now.  I don't remember much of it except one that said 1972 cocaine , 2002 rogaine. Im tooo old to slide in mud anymore lol.

Hmmm, well, maybe we could just sit there in the mud, you know, have one of the whipper-snappers or our MMs smear mud on us, give the illusion that we did slide. Hell, I'm young enough that I can still wallow, even if I don't slide.



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Hmmmmm, TN fishin' trip top PAPPA CARL's. How to get the bait through security???? Hell, if they let RMark through, they'll let anything through.


Count me in, I'll bring the bait but it will have to be an orang alert trip!!


Carl, not to worry about the beached whale thing. I have good intel from several reliable sources that RMark is really a high ranking member in Green Peace. He will save you man!

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Hey, Carl....why not tell the rest of the story?


"Kum Ba Ya, my friends..."  (insert big toke on fat joint) "Kum Ba Ya."  (insert smokeless exhale)


O h, t h e c o l o r s

Props to "Kum Ba Ya, my friends" And to the big fat joint I say WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :greenblob:

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