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Cliff and Kim

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Last night Bing and I had the pleasure of having Clifford and Kim over to our house for dinner. I exercised the macho ritual of cooking over an open flame by searing a few steaks with the correct amount of carcinogens. We then sat around and drank tea and solved the worlds problems. Since it was somewhat of a Lib fest I am sure those of you leaning to the right would have dissagreed with us. I really enjoyed myself, thanks for coming over guys.

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Last night Bing and I had the pleasure of having Clifford and Kim over to our house for dinner.  I exercised the macho ritual of cooking over an open flame by searing a few steaks with the correct amount of carcinogens.  We then sat around and drank tea and solved the worlds problems.  Since it was somewhat of a Lib fest I am sure those of you leaning to the right would have dissagreed with us.  I really enjoyed myself, thanks for coming over guys.

Steaks, tea, liberal talk??? And nobody invited me??? Gheeeez!!!!!!!!

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Last night Bing and I had the pleasure of having Clifford and Kim over to our house for dinner.  I exercised the macho ritual of cooking over an open flame by searing a few steaks with the correct amount of carcinogens.  We then sat around and drank tea and solved the worlds problems.  Since it was somewhat of a Lib fest I am sure those of you leaning to the right would have dissagreed with us.  I really enjoyed myself, thanks for coming over guys.

Steaks, tea, liberal talk??? And nobody invited me??? Gheeeez!!!!!!!!

Why Trigg you are welcome in my home anytime. Just jump in that Lear jet of yours and come on out. I'll cook you a big ole juicy steak.

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Last night Bing and I had the pleasure of having Clifford and Kim over to our house for dinner.  I exercised the macho ritual of cooking over an open flame by searing a few steaks with the correct amount of carcinogens.  We then sat around and drank tea and solved the worlds problems.  Since it was somewhat of a Lib fest I am sure those of you leaning to the right would have dissagreed with us.  I really enjoyed myself, thanks for coming over guys.

Steaks, tea, liberal talk??? And nobody invited me??? Gheeeez!!!!!!!!

Why Trigg you are welcome in my home anytime. Just jump in that Lear jet of yours and come on out. I'll cook you a big ole juicy steak.

OK but my Lear Jet is actually a 2 seat Quicksilver that only goes 55 mph and holds 5 gallons of fuel. Oh, and no cockpit. I'll leave now. I should be there by--oh let's say--Christmas. see you then!



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Hey Trigg,


Can't vouch for Carl's BBQ in the rain technique, but yeah the "big ole juicy steak" part is right on the mark!!


Carl has a certain talent as a PF* Cave Man.....


* Post Fire


Oh, BTW --- beer....


.... there was beer there too.... Couple of German Beck's .... Carl and Cliff didn't drink, so I think there is still a tall cold one for you in Carl's fridge.

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Actually, RMark,


We just wanted Trigg, Dean and some of you other CFL'ers to come out and give us a few tips about fishing.....


If you have read some of our posts here in Oregon, ( Don) we are really not that good at it....


But Trigg, if you come out --- REMEMBER!!! DON'T TAKE YOUR "BAIT" TO THE AIRPORT!!!



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