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Petition Government Officials

Guest Dirk

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I recently discovered that the U.S. Consulate in China are processing applicates 3 times slower than other consulates around the world.

I contacted my Senator and requested that the consulate be augmented to reduce the great difference in the processing times.

I would like to get a larger data source to gain the best statistics on the current processing times and provide that information to my Senator.

The information that I am looking for are the dates that

NVC sent the petition to the consulate,

P3 was received

P3 was sent to the consulate

P4 was received

Interview date

I will only give my Senator the numbers, no names or contact information.


I am also considering drafting a bill to change the current policies on the K3 process, only if I can get enough people interested. This would require signatures.


Please send your dates to dirkvc38@hotmail.com

If you want to be included in the bill, you must be a U.S citizen and I will need your contact information, your full name and address.


Good luck to everyone.


I-130 Oct 2, 2003

I-129 Oct 15, 2003

NVC sent to consulate Apr 16, 2004

Consulate acknowledge receiving May 20, 2004

Received P3 May 23, 2004

Sent P3 to Consulate May 25, 2004

Consulate acknowledge receiving P3 Jun 9, 2004

Last contact with Senator July 22, 2004

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Sounds like a great plan Dirk! Our timeline below shows all such dates. Indeed GZ in one of the slowest (or THE slowest) visa issuing offices in the world. Although I don't think the workers themselves are slow, I just think they are responsible for processing way too many cases. Something should definitely be done to lessen their caseloads.


FYI ... back in spring of this year, the average time from P3 to P4 was 4 to 6 weeks. Now the average seems to be at least 12 weeks. It's been about 14 weeks since we returned P3 and still nothing.

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Maybe if enough of us keep banging our head against their walls something will be done but I have my doubts. The sad fact is most americans could give a rats a$$ about our imigration problems and the polititians know it. The wide spread myth is that heathen immigrants are taking american jobs away from us god fearing americans. Of course us more enlightened people here at CFL know thats a crock. Immigrants create more jobs than they take. But Joe Schmoe down at the steel mill who just got layed off from his 15 dolllar an hour job and had to take a job at Micky D's doesn't understand that. The vast majority of Americans are anti immigration and until that changes your polititians are not likely to do much to help you.

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