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Shadow Magic - Chinese Cinema

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I just watched a wonderful movie a couple of nights ago called "Shadow Magic". It is about the first movie houses in China, or at least one that represents the first. A great historical period piece, especially for folks like us.


I've done my best to get several Chinese films over the last year in an attempt to learn more about my wife's culture. I've seen some really good ones. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was the first and best, but here are some I'd recommend.


The Road Home

The Joy Luck Club

The Bride With White Hair, 1 & 2

Musa The Warrior


Netflix carries all of these.


One I wouldn't recommend, I thought it was a terrible movie, but a good look at the history of Beijing opera; "Farewell My Concubine". It's worth a look, but not if you have something better to do.


Anyone have any other recommendations?

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Good Start Mark:


Also, "Red Sorgum Wine" "Raise The Red Lanterns"


---- and maybe my favorate Chinese movie: "Not One Less" --------


WARNING this is a very slow movie!!!


SECOND WARNING: It may have a special meaning to people who have adopted in China, but it also feels very authentic --- beautifully filmed, and the young protagonist --- a young girl, forced into a position of responsibility is just great! without being a bit pretentious.....

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Bing and I watched a movie recently called "not one less" It was filmed in Guangxi province and is about a rural school. The poverty some of the farmers live in is astounding. Although it was a drama it could almost be a documentary. Well worth watching.

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I would shout to the rooftops that everyone must see The Good Earth based on the novel of the same name (read the book too). This movie was the great Irving Thalberg's crowning masterpiece, the actress won an Oscar, and it forms a background for understanding so much about China. The book's author, Pearl Buck, (called by her maiden name in Chinese), lived in China most of her life. It was one of the very few books by a non-Chinese author which has always been allowed to be printed there. It provides an insight into the Chinese heart that cannot be matched.


Mark, thank you for starting such a good thread. I will see about the movies you recommend.


There was also a fairly recent movie about Beijing opera during the Cultural Revolution that Ping seemed to get a lot out of but I can't remember the name of it. Does anyone know?

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Robert, you're welcome. The movie you're talking about is "Farewell My Concubine". It did get rave reviews, but I didn't like it as entertainment, though I did think it was a good depiction of the time period.


Just a footnote to my earlier posting. The Bride With White Hair is a martial arts movie, old school, but very Chinese. If you don't care for those movies, don't bother with it.


ShuPing and I saw a movie called "CellPhone" when I was over there. It was a pretty good flick, though I'm not sure you could get it here yet.

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I figure watching chinese film is a good way to learn the language. I rather like "Needing you", a Hong Kong romantic comedy. But my favorite for language learning is "Monsters Inc.". the region 3 version translated into Mandarin.


For a mainland film, I like "The missing gun".


The one about Beijing opera is "Farewell my concubine"

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Good source for HK movies


Infernal Affairs I, II, and III are excellent HK movies. The plot switches from present to past and visa versa all the time. You have to watch the movies a few times to really understand everything.


Running on Karma is another deep movie. Last movie my wife and I watched Jiang Hu. The movie is very good. We like to watch Andy Lau's movies. I also love to watch Cecilia Cheung's movies.


The movies made by China are usually very slow and not as entertaining as HK movies. However, those Chinese movies get great reviews.

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Here are some of my favorites:


Anything with Li lianjie (Jet Li) especially all the Once upon a time in China movies and Fist of Legend (all time fave!) which is a take off on Bruce Lee's original Fists of Fury---only 10 times better. Jet is a huge star in China and after he came here his success really started to pale so I am glad he moved back to China where all his best films were made.


Anything by Wang Kar Wai especially In the Mood for Love and 2046!


Any Zhang Yimou film....Not One Less is my favorite! But I love them all, especially Hero (with Jet!)


Another great director is Chen Kaige--check out: Life on a String (slow but beautiful)


Wang Xiaoshui is another wonderful director (whom I had the privilege to spend time with as he is friends with Kai) He did Beijing Bicycle and Frozen to name a few.


The movie, Shower was a hit!


there are so many.... A defining chinese cinematic treat would certainly be Eat Drink Man Woman! Ang Lee the same guy who did CTHD.

I love Chinese Cinema!

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