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Opposites Attract

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We all know about this subject.... One the the common bonds that we all share -- we love the Han --- and we love them because they are SO different --- and exotic I think ... keep us constantly on our toes...


Same story, of course, with the Han --- craving knowledge about the West.


Xinhuanet is one of my most important sources of official information and news in China. And to be honest, I have to hand it to them --- its a pretty damn good website...


Along with the official position on any of a number of issues (plus the official take on world events). they have recently (last year or so) been "tricking up" their "Living" or "People" section --- issues and people in the west ---- quite sexy, even racy --- obviously, a shameless ploy to increase readership --- and compete directly with the "Decadent" news sources of the west....


And how do they do that? Why, with side articles that almost always have something to do with svelt, blue-eyed, babes, runway models, actors, ect......(Nicole Kidmen is a favorite)


So check out today's issue --- but don't wait --- they might update the site! "Something about Maria Sharapova" She is a young tennis star, but! ---check out her photo spread!!!


So, opposites attract..... any thoughts on that?



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We all know about this subject....  One the the common bonds that we all share -- we love the Han ---  and we love them because they are SO different --- and exotic I think ... keep us constantly on our toes...


Same story, of course, with the Han --- craving knowledge about the West. 


Xinhuanet is one of my most important sources of official information and news in China.  And to be honest, I have to hand it to them --- its a pretty damn good website...


Along with the official position on any of a number of issues (plus the official take on world events). they have recently (last year or so) been "tricking up" their "Living" or "People" section --- issues and people in the west ---- quite sexy, even racy --- obviously, a shameless ploy to increase readership --- and compete directly with the "Decadent"  news sources of the west.... 


And how do they do that? Why, with side articles that almost always have something to do with svelt, blue-eyed, babes, runway models, actors, ect......(Nicole Kidmen is a favorite)


So check out today's issue --- but don't wait --- they might update the site!  "Something about Maria Sharapova" She is a young tennis star, but!  ---check  out her photo spread!!!


So, opposites attract..... any thoughts on that? 



Oh boy Kim, have I got thoughts on that. "opposites attract," one of the examples often used in the ever popular past time of psychologist bashing. "Psychology is just common sense." I guess I have heard that a million and ten times over the years. Hmmmm, common sense. Well, 'opposites' attract is common sense---ooops, 'birds of a feather flock together ' is also common sense.


So, which one is it?? The subject, like all common sense subjects, has been research adnausia by psychologists and sociologists and only one of the statements is true.


Your mission my fellow CFLers is to find out which common sense statement is try, and why??


See ya soon


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I agree with that!

ROFL :lol: ... oops wrong thread. For a moment I thought we were back in my top 10 list. Sorry.


Yeah, it COULD provide balance, in theory anyway. I'm willing to bet that in respect to Trigg's little challenge though, "Birds of a feather flock together" is the more correct one. Actually, not so much willing to "bet" as willing to "state" seeing as how I wouldn't actually bet anything, and I'm too lazy at the moment to even type it into Google.


Psychology -- common sence? Hmmm.... not quite the description I would have used. :P

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