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B2 Visa fore Wife's sister

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I know, this one has been asked a million times but I always forget. My wife's sister wants to come visit for a few months. She says she has asked everyone in the City of Zhanjiang how to apply and they all said "Wa Bu Mingbai". I really don't want to start a ton ov Visa paper work and she doesn't speak English. Are there any people in China who do the forms etc....


If not, anyone do this recently?? How many forms, where to get them etc......


Oh, and she does have ties e.g a daughter, nrother and mothe rin China. She also owns her own house--it is paid for.


Thanks guys


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Would she just apply for a standard visitors visa at the consulate nearest to her?

I really don't know. I am trying to find out. Her nearest consualte is GZ, some 400 miles off. I'm sure there will be confusing forms and she doesn't read or write English. I'm sure someone will know. I have read posts before stating people have had their in-laws visit so I know someone knew how to do all that.

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Here is the official site with the offcial answers:


Coming to America - Getting Your Visitors Visa


See the "getting started" part about half way down.


But the question I have is ... how long is such a visa (a visitor's visa) good for? I've been doing research into this and I can't find an answer.


Although it seems to me that such a decision is made at the time of entry by the "visitor".


Is this true anyone?


For example, if Trigg's sister-in-law were to come here on a visitor visa, when would she learn how long she can stay inside the US? Would this be told to her by the Immigration officer at the POE? Is there any rhyme or reason to the lengths of stays which are granted to each visitor? I know visitor visas have a *validity* date of 6 months, but that doesn't mean they can stay here for 6 months, it just means they have 6 month to enter the US after the interview in China. But what is the "average" length of stay for visitors from China?

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Yup, I went to the GZ sight Jim suggested and there it was, advice to call the number and they can give info in Chinese. Now maybe I will only have to get invloved with the finances and let Fang Lings sister do her own paperwork.


Thanks ya'll---good stuff

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