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Good USPS Couple of Days

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Well, as I write this, JM is taking her test at the DMV! Yahoo! Her SSN came in the mail yesterday so I challenged her to give the DMV test a try. Bless her heart, she asked if I would think she was stupid if she failed.


Five minutes ago, the doorbell rang. Express mail from the passport service. Now, the baby has a passport! This afternoon, we'll head to the visa office.


I'll let you know how the test goes.

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Drama at the DMV:


So, JM goes to take the test. For those familiar with the computerized version of the test, the software lets you know question by question if you are right. There is a running total of right and wrong answers as you go through the test. The system shuts down after you get one more wrong than allowed. In NV, the test is 50 questions long and a passing score is 80%, allowing for 10 wrong answers.


Four hours (!!!) into the test, JM is on question 48. She has eight wrong answers. She answers #48 wrong. Now she's on question 49 with nine wrong. It's gonna be a squeaker. She answers #49....wrong! Now, she's answering #50 sitting on 10 wrong. One more and she's a goner......


While taking the test, she's watching English speaking Americans drop like flies. They spend 10 minutes on the test, reach the quota of failed questions, and walk away in shame. She, on the other hand, had the special permission for the electronic dictionary and hammered out each word. It took 15 minutes just to understand the instructions in how the computer system works! Bless her heart.


I'm so tempted to keep writing to keep everyone in suspense. But, it's been too long of a day. #50?????? Wrong. :lol: She'll go back Monday and do it again. This time, she feels more comfortable with the process. All the same, we celebrated her hard work over a nice lunch in China Town. What a trooper! I really love her strength and willingness.


Thanks for the kind works earlier. Meant a lot.

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Bummer Dave but damn talk about effort. I wonder how many of us who have been licensed for 1,000 years could pass the test. I'm sure if I had to take it using a translating machine I would be riding in a lot of taxi cabs. Tell her we said congrats on the near miss and we will be running for cover when she takes it again.

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Bummer Dave but damn talk about effort. I wonder how many of us who have been licensed for 1,000 years could pass the test. I'm sure if I had to take it using a translating machine I would be riding in a lot of taxi cabs. Tell her we said congrats on the near miss and we will be running for cover when she takes it again.

Trigg...I let you in on a little secret. She's been pounding me with questions. I have no clue! Driving is instinct now...and I know I blow it all the time. JM will even ask me, "did you signal long enough?" That then leads to an arguement...only cuz I get defensive.


God, I love this woman........

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Yes, you have to admire the spunk! ...


Should go to that other thread: "You know your wife is Chinese if she takes 4 hours on the written portion of the driver's licence test"


Really! --- who accept the Chinese, would hate failure (particularly on a TEST!) so much --- that they would take 4 Hours!!! Hispanic? I don't think so... Swedish? I don't think so... Also why there are so few Chinese immigrants on welfare, matters of pride and dignity..


Trigg --- yeah, if you had to use translating machine in TN --- you might be; "riding in a lot of taxi cabs"


--- But in NYC you would be driving one.....

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Here in Alabama apparently the state has purchased the software for taking the test in Chinese. I am going to take our stepdaughter to Birmingham to give it a try next week.


BS on you guys saying driving is just a habit now that you don't think about! You have got to communicate what are the driving rules and the underlying assumptions so they can have an idea how to predict what other drivers will do.

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Third time a charm????  Nope...but, at least JM's laughing about it all.  Looks like it's the DMV again tomorrow.  Even the workers there are pulling for JM now.

Well I will admit I passed the written test no problem when I was 16 however it took 3 tries to pass the "behind the wheel" part of the test. First time was a bit reckless cause I had a car scare me so I got pissed, Second time I didn't stop with my bumper at the white line instead I stopped with the front tire on the white line, Third time I passed, have not had another test written or driving in over 21 years I am also still using a WI licenese in TX after 18 months maybe I will try on Friday.

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Well...guess where JM is today.  The DMV.  Failed again yesterday...the 'puter kicked her out after answering #38 wrong.  She was a wreck all day.  Now, she's back at it with a great attitude.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Hey Dave, how can you not love someone who refuses to lose. You wife has got a set for sure. One of the things I admire most about my Fangling is her bulldog attitude. If she could't do it today--no problem she will do it tommorrow. Fear of failure is NOT an option

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Dave, tell her we are pulling for her. I think I can take the liberty of speaking for the regulars here.


You might also request that DMV allow her to take the test on paper. That way she can go back and change her answers if a question further down gives her a clue. That's what Xiahong did and passed on the paper test after failing the computer test. Damn computers!  :blink:

Good point...and thanks. JM told me she missed two cuz she hit the wrong button. Once selected, there's no going back.


On a different note -- and this is what's so cute -- JM decided to actually read the DMV manual. What a concept, eh? LMAO! Tonight, she turned to me and said, "Maybe all this test taking is a good thing. Maybe I should actually learn about driving, do you think?" :D :D <_<

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Bless JM's heart...she woke up at 4:00 AM to study again. I was awake and finally talked her into going back to bed. She woke up at 6:00 and started studying again. Yes...her book too is filled with all sorts or writing. I had to define things like DUI, plate registration, etc. It wasn't easy using our Chinglish language, but we got through it.


Right now, she's back at the DMV...very confidently this time. One more hour....

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