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CSC processes petition!

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Yes I was in Zhanjiang, in Guangdong province, for the Chinese New Year. And oh the firecrackers! Unrelenting noise outside my hotel window. Days later, I kept asking what was all the noise. I was told they are still celebrating New Years. Well this did indeed last for a couple of weeks.


I did a fair amount of traveling in China and when I got to Shanghai it was warmer there than it was in the far south of China. One American from California that I met in Guilin said it had been snowing in Shanghia in mid to late January.

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Yeah, Same thing happened to me. I wore one sweater since I was leaving from Philadelphia and going through Chicago. Everything else was summer clothing. They told me it was unusually cold in southern China. I had to buy some warm clothing. My fiance's brother in law let me borrow a coat. There wasn't much indoor heating in the places I stayed.


I got some really good pictures in Guilin.


By the way I went through Ventura last September. Nice town, nice boardwalk, or whatever you call it. Took a drive down the Pacific coast highway. BEAUTIFUL!!

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