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Support for I-134 Worried!!

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How strict are they about having present employement at GZ?


Instead of the long wait back in the US for her to get the visa, I decided to stay with my fiance in China for the past year to make sure things were right between us. But I might be in trouble with support issues.


I made little money here working (teaching english, learning chinese) compared to US standards. So I will have my dad as a co-sponser with income to clear the minimum req.


Being the fact I have not been working in US for the past year or so and most likely will be unemployed at the time of her interview because I am still with her.


I still have US address.

I was planning to do a statement explaining my good job in past, copy of college degrees and what I have been doing in China for the past year. Also including a statement of why I didnot file US tax returns for 2003 because I made under the min requirement to file taxes.


Furthermore I have some friends who own a business and can offer me an employment letter upon my return to the US.


I would like to be with her up until the interview and visa obtained hopefully and have a non-legal ceremony here than go back to US together to officially marry.


OR is it best to leave China go back to find a job in US ASAP to cover the support issues for me the primary sponser?


Very confused


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yeah,i agree with Jeikun,if ur co-sponser can meet the requirement ,i think you have no need back to U.S at present,coz even though you back to the U.S,you still have no tax return form of 2003.but a letter to explain why you dont have tax return maybe do some help.wish you good luck~

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Hey Johns, looks like our timelines are pretty close together. I guess come the time we'll be waiting on pins and needles together. Of course, at least you get to be there with her in the interum. The thought has crossed my mind more than once, but unless it drags out a lot longer than we hope, it's probably better for both Jun and I if I stay here :lol:

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There is no way around it. You WILL need a cosponsor. I was in a similar situation as you. I was teaching in China for 3 years, and did not meet the minumums for the AOS. My wife and I had been married in China for over 1 1/2 years before I filed the I-130. Your dad will have to prove income in excess if 125% of the established poverty line (about $16K/yr) to qualify as your cosponsor. If he can do that, it'll be a done deal. Best of luck.

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