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We had our I-130 approved on 6-22-04. It was a surprise. Going over some paperwork, while webcamming with my wife, Noticed that the I-130 for her daughter, has her name wrong. Her name is Zhangsiwen. Her friend had filled out the I-130 and made her name Wen Zhang Si. Wen is the name everyone calls her. Easy mistake. I did not catch it. Her passport has Zhangsiwen, and her notarized birth certificate is that way also. does anyone know what to do about this. They did not catch it during the approval of the I-130. I know it will be caught later. I want to fix it now.


So what do I do about it. I was thinking of calling the NVC on Monday. Telling them of the mistake. Is there a form for this? Can anyone help? let me know.

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Just a couple of thoughts. We had this problem with the I-129f. Jingwen's daughter's name was based on her notarial birth certificate which turned out to have the guandonghua pinyan for the translation rather than the putonghua pinyan (Yiqi vs. Qiqi). We dropped a note to GZ after the files were sent there to let them know this and then had the noratial birth certificate re-issued using putonghua pinyan to conform it to her passport. From then on, everything went smoothly. You might try dropping GZ a note and simply ask them to correct their records to reflect the correct ordering of the names - maybe claim stupid American ignorance.


If you're lucky, this will be the end of it. Otherwise, depending on your daughter's age, you might have to suffer through another name check.


But, before I'd contact GZ, I'd call the NVC. Again, when we were applying for Qiqi's AOS, the NOA had her name misspelled, this time Qigi rather than Qiqi. I talked to a nice lady who first talked to Qiqi to verify that she knew that I was calling on her behalf. She then corrected the name in the system.

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