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Bing pointed out something to me the other day that I never really considered before. In many ways we are poorer than the Chinese. Consider this. If we need some work done on the house we do it ourselves or take out a loan and have it done. The tile I layed in my kitchen cost me 350 dollars to do myself. If I had it done it would have been easily 1000. In China Bing would have had someone come and do it. and it would have been cheap. How often do we eat out? most of us can't afford to eat out as often as many Chinese do. Massage? When I was in GZ to appeal Bing's blue slip we both had a 2 hour massage. They even washed our hair. 113 RMB for both of us. These are all luxuries we can't afford to do very often that are done regularly in China.

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And since I know that you are person that appreciates great craftsmanship and quality of materials --- (by virtue of your work in the cabinet trades, and wood working) --- when was the last time any of us in America could afford real stone floors throughtout the house !?!? ---- Yet, have any of you noticed how common that is in China??


And when I visted Fei's sister's family in FuShan (she is married to a party official-- fairly high up) --- an apartment (which they own) -- to die for---- at least 2000 sq. ft. three bedroom 2 bath, kitchen PLUS seperate food prep room off the kitchen, dining room etc. --- stainless steel railings on the two balconies --- (for cross-ventilation) ---very common in So. China... Stone floors, 10 foot celings, Beautifully crafted wood casings and built ins... The list just goes on and on .... And of course, that is just the apartment.... Fei's sister dresses very fashionably, and has substantial responsibilities in her profession...(has come a long way since she was sent to the farm commune as a teenager from age 15 to 18)


Meanwhile, Wendy, Fei's niece has passed her entrance exams with flying colors, and will enter international studies at a GZ university in the fall.....


At least in the big eastern cities. there is both opportunity and success in China ----Even by the highest western standards ...



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Bing pointed out something to me the other day that I never really considered before.  In many ways we are poorer than the Chinese.  Consider this.  If we need some work done on the house we do it ourselves or take out a loan and have it done.  The tile I layed in my kitchen cost me 350 dollars to do myself.  If I had it done it would have been easily 1000. In China Bing would have had someone come and do it. and it would have been cheap.  How often do we eat out? most of us can't afford to eat out as often as many Chinese do.  Massage?  When I was in GZ to appeal Bing's blue slip we both had a 2 hour massage.  They even washed our hair.  113 RMB for both of us. These are all luxuries we can't afford to do very often that are done regularly in China.

Interesting perspective. In many countries, India for example, there are more domestic servants than in the more industrialized countries. Does this mean that Indians are richer? Often, it is cheaper to hire labor than to buy a machine, so having a house servant might really mean that the person cannot afford to buy a washing machine.


But, your post does point out one interesting difference. When something needs to be done in China, you hire a laborer or a technician, either because you don't have the skills or you can't afford the tools to do it yourself. I have found this to be so true with Jingwen and the kids. "Daddy, the light is broken". My stepson (age 18) has probably never had to change a light bulb, so he didn't know what to do. "Husband, the computer has no sound". One of the kids had inadvertently turned off the sound, and Jingwen and the kids did not know how to turn the sound back on.


In China, when such things happen, the initial response is to call a repairman or technician who will come to the house and fix the problem. In America, we all know that to pay the labor costs to do these minor things would be prohibitive. We in America are generally more self-reliant as a result.


This does have its upside. "Husband, you are so smart". :lol:

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Interesting question, but the answer is obvious. America is far richer. Think about it...when the World Trade Buildings fell and 3000 people were killed, how much money was raised through contributions? $500,000,000! Name a country able -- or willing -- to donate that kind of dough. Let's not also forget how much money is given to others too. Bush just pledged $15B to deal with AIDS in Africa.


China won't take care of their own so people will work for a few RMB to feed their families. It's gotten a lot better there, but they still have a long way to go. What does China do with their trade surplus? Build missles to shoot at Taiwan. What a shame. :lol:

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Interesting question, but the answer is obvious.  America is far richer.  Think about it...when the World Trade Buildings fell and 3000 people were killed, how much money was raised through contributions?  $500,000,000!  Name a country able -- or willing -- to donate that kind of dough.  Let's not also forget how much money is given to others too.  Bush just pledged $15B to deal with AIDS in Africa. 


China won't take care of their own so people will work for a few RMB to feed their families.  It's gotten a lot better there, but they still have a long way to go.  What does China do with their trade surplus?  Build missles to shoot at Taiwan.  What a shame. :lol:

Dave must work for the Bush Campaign. :lol: The US spent a lot of money on defense too.

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Who is poorer? It depends on your definition of wealth.


The USA has lots of intangible wealth, green tinted paper symbolic of promises, untouchable numbers held in electomagnetic stasis, a bunch of natural resources, a bajillion hectares of productive farmland, and so much spare room that we can afford to set off nuclear weapons after 10PM without disturbing the neighbors.


China has 1.3 billion people. If Chuck Yeager, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Fred Rogers, Stephen King, Daniel Boone, Jimmy Hendrix, James K. Polk, & Steve Jobs are one in a million, then China has 130,000 of them.


Who is poorer?

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Interesting question, but the answer is obvious.  America is far richer.  Think about it...when the World Trade Buildings fell and 3000 people were killed, how much money was raised through contributions?  $500,000,000!  Name a country able -- or willing -- to donate that kind of dough.  Let's not also forget how much money is given to others too.  Bush just pledged $15B to deal with AIDS in Africa.  


China won't take care of their own so people will work for a few RMB to feed their families.  It's gotten a lot better there, but they still have a long way to go.  What does China do with their trade surplus?  Build missles to shoot at Taiwan.  What a shame. :(

Dave must work for the Bush Campaign. :lol: The US spent a lot of money on defense too.

Your point? America would cease to exist given bin Laden and the such. China only needs defense spending to keep their people hemmed inside their borders. The only threat Taiwan poses is loss of face. That's no reason to launch missiles.

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The difference is the USA gets it's defense spending money from deficit spending. Record deficit spending I might add. Half a trillion dollars worth last year alone. Considering its large population. limited farmland, and per capita income China does remarkably well at feeding, clothing and housing it's population.

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This does have its upside.  "Husband, you are so smart". :lol:

Lol I had to laugh at this one. I built a small cabinet for the one burner gas stove I bought her. Nothing special. MDF and doug fir. She loves it and said to me "you are so smart you can make so many things." You gotta love it.

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This does have its upside.  "Husband, you are so smart". :lol:

Lol I had to laugh at this one. I built a small cabinet for the one burner gas stove I bought her. Nothing special. MDF and doug fir. She loves it and said to me "you are so smart you can make so many things." You gotta love it.

This morning on the phone I mentioned to Ningning that I am thinking of building a walk in closet in the bedroom so she would have more useable space for her cloth-es (she suprised me by correcting me this time..... "clothes"..... first time she has pronounced it properly to me!) and she asked me if I would hire someone to do it. I told her I would do it myself and she said, "Wow! You are so capable!" She just doesnt seem to understand what it means to be a homeowner here. My place is rather small. I hope she likes it.

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I enjoy this subject, how many of us would like to venture into buying and fixing propertys in China? I have built a home from the ground up owner builder, I am employed as an electrician since 1979, but always maintained apartments for grandparents , plumbing , roofing and all the junk that is involved, my tile work is good, I went to a new house that was wired by the company I worked for , to only see how the tile man screwed up the same tile I had in my own house, if it was my house I would have said rip it up start again, maybe my problem is do it correct the first time, also I am from German heritage were I take pride in my work , I have done all parts of building, Hey can I get a builders licensce in China ? what does it take, money of course. I give this subject one eyeball. lets have some thoughts on this

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1.Bush just pledged $15B to deal with AIDS in Africa. 


2.What does China do with their trade surplus?  Build missles to shoot at Taiwan.  What a shame. :(

1.OIC my tax dollar, I would rather see it go into our own country our own budget our own people.

2.Again my tax dollar, building missiles to point at China.


Yep nothing like throwing our money around a world that hates us, or giving it to a bunch of people for the WTC so the insurance companies can ask for breaks and people can sue the government for more money, None of this will ever make sense.

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I think the best way to answer the question is this: follow the money.  How many people sought the equiviant of K-1/K-3 visas to China.


Nuff said.

If it was not for the fact I have kids I would be in China right now, I spent years living under the most repressive form of government there is(Military), I think I could handle life under Chinese rule easy.

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