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OUCH, My wife got stung by a Bee!

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We were cleaning the boat yesterday ( Pontoon ), Li grabbed something out from under a chair and a Red Wasp stung her on the finger. OMG, I never heard someone wail so hard and loud. I thought she was about to die. She said her whole body hurt. Of course at this time i was worried about an allergic reaction, but she told me that she was able to breathe without any problems, so I kind of decided to wait it out before i took her to the hospital. Afer about 1 hour she seemed to be feeling a bit better, even though it did make her finger swell up some. I decided that she would be ok.

Found out later, This was her first Bee sting ever!

My poor baby, I felt so bad for her!


Patrick :rolleyes:

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Lol my ex wife was amazed once when a bee flew in the open car window and was flying around in the cab of my pickup. She couldn't believe how a grown man could be so afraid of a tiny little bee. Come to find out she had never been stung before.

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It's good for you. Toughens you up. I got stung by 8 hornets one time. Bee stings really are good for you if you have arthritis and I think they are overall somewhat good for you, once in a while, as long as you are not allergic to them. These stinging insects provide a good lesson in controlling your fear. They will be more apt to sting you if you act very afraid and thrash around. Some people are even afraid of dirt daubers, even though they don't sting.

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We were cleaning the boat yesterday ( Pontoon ), Li grabbed something out from under a chair and a Red Wasp stung her on the finger. OMG, I never heard someone wail so hard and loud.


Found out later, This was her first Bee sting ever!

How is her finger today? Still some pain I bet. I would guess most Chinese ladies have never been stung.

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I got stung by one of those big orange wasp/hornets down here in TX when I was 16 right on top of the hand it swelled up so bad I could not see the knuckles then in the middle of the night it went into convulsions scared the hell out of me it woke me up bouncing on my chest. So I stay away from things that sting I will let my 10 year old kid kill it before I go near it, but he always wants to catch it and put it in a fire ants nest.

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I got stung by one of those big orange wasp/hornets down here in TX when I was 16 right on top of the hand it swelled up so bad I could not see the knuckles then in the middle of the night it went into convulsions scared the hell out of me it woke me up bouncing on my chest. So I stay away from things that sting I will let my 10 year old kid kill it before I go near it, but he always wants to catch it and put it in a fire ants nest.

I was stung by one of those Japanese Cicada Killer wasps. We call them Bell Hornets around here (another illegal alien). Maybe it's the same thing? Stung me in the cheek when I was 12. MY whole face was swollen, and I still have a red mark and a lump. I've been a little chicken around bees ever since.

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About 20 years ago I was repairing a roof on my home in NY. I drove a nail near the end of the eave. I found out afterward it went into a hornet's nest. This one white faced hornet came up from under the eave and slammed into my shoulder. All I could do was stand and wait for the world to come back to normal. I was close to hallucinating. He came back for another shot so I squished the little f***er with my hands. Clapped him to death.

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