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Religious differences

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After reading blsqueaky's reply to another post, I became curious about this. Neither Jun or I are particularly religious, so this is not an issue for us, but I was wondering how one would cope with it.


No doubt at least some of you are strongly religious, and almost as likely several of you who are have fiancees and wives who are not. How have or how will you deal with this issue. I'm sure each couple would have their own way, but I'm interested.

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Respect the difference, My MM has no religion I was born and raised Baptist, but I don't really believe in Religion, only in God.

Pretty much the same as me. I was raised Methodist, but I don't trust or believe in organized religion anymore. My mom's side of the family is still very religious but we have no problems as a result.

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I thought of them too, but by the way they met, my guess is they already share the same/very similar religious views. I would be intersted to know if anyone with strong religious convictions has had issues with their spouse having none or very different ones and how they work it out.

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Yes, we met at a Christian singles site. I am Lutheran, and Lai goes to a church in Hong Kong that is sort of like Baptist. There certainly are some differences between her church and mine, particularly in form of worship...mine is more traditional (think Catholic-lite :P ), while hers is a lot like contemporary-style churches here. On the other hand, our churches have a few more doctrinal similarities than mine does with Baptist churches in America.


We are both very "religious"; our faith is very important to us, and was a central topic when we first started communicating. It was a major factor in our determining whether we were right for each other. If we hadn't had a common faith, we wouldn't have gotten very far.


Nice to know people are thinking of us :P

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Sarah and I are both Christian and also met via a Christian Singles site. My ex was not a Christian and that was probably the major bone of contention. I feel that both people need to be on the same page or recognize and work with differences, whatever they may be.

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I'm roman catholic, my bf is christian, we do respect our differences, and love the same God........ the only one. I remember last year in Shanghai he accompanied me to a very old catholic church, we both prayed for us to stay together for the rest of our lives, a precious moment indeed.

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My mom was Catholic, my dad was Lutheran, My mother asked my father what religion he was he could only remember it was not Catholic, it was the other one, so she assumed he was Baptist, so we were raised Baptist it was not until later she learned from his mother he was Lutheran.

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