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The plane ticket situation.

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Thanks Mark,


for the primer on LoWu, but I am not what most Chinese would view as a tourist at this point in my Chinese travels (but very much a westerner) and when one of the locals reached for my wallet pocket, I made a fist, and came very close to connecting with his nose --- that was enough to bring a PRC policeman to the scene, who jerked the guy back by his neck, but still others followed me to the location you describe, but at a slighty greater distance...


Yeah, Mark, I do agree with you about the other crossing points, earlier this week I took the bus from GZ to HK, and did all the hassle you describe....


Its cheaper, but not worth the hassle ----- will take the nonstop train next time....


---Kim (hope you are holding up in the HEAT~!)

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when one of the locals reached for my wallet pocket


What the... :lol: :lol:


He must have had two big, shiny brass ones*. I cannot imagine even the most persistant stateside panhandler being so bold as to attempt to reach into my pocket, unless he is holding some sort of weapon... in which case he becomes a mugger, and not a panhandler.


* Made at Han Shing corporation brass products factory #3, Heishan, GuangZhou, PRC. 9001 ISO Certified, Export Grade!

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No brass knuckles....


.... He was just an opportunist... Unlikely that he would have physically confronted me ---maybe 5'4", perhaps 130lbs. I'm 5'10", 200lbs.


....5 or 6 were playing the "let me assist you" game thinking they were going to carry my luggage, (that wasn't going to happen) and fighting over me, when I felt the hand on my back pants pocket, which was buttoned shut (had both my wallet and passport in it) -- I spun around, and made a fist, meanwhile, an officer who was otherwise bored sitting on his stool apparently had seen the whole thing unfold, and came up and jerking the guy down to the ground by his neck --- I didn't stick around for the happy ending, but continued to walk, still pestered by the rest of the flies, as if nothing had just happened to their associate...


Sorry all you Shenzhen residents and vets --- no matter what you say ---- If I can avoid it, I'm not crossing at LoWu!

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Geez Kim! you are right about avoiding LO WU. hmmm first I have heard of this one, although pickpockets are commen. I guess this is what the guy figured... he'd slip your wallet out of your pocket and you wouldn't even notice.


I'd say at 5'10 and 200 you'd make a sizeable presence in the states, not a masher but not a push over either.


I did have a cop come over and help me with a begger the other day. Bea and I were down to the daipan bay area(Shopping area with computer market in the tallest building.) and he just kept shaking the begging bowl in my face as I stared blankly past him. You have to wait them out sometimes if I'm in a fun mood I play hide and seek with them, moving to the other side of the bus signs etc.


I do know they have increased police in the area and just last night on the news HK has set up an office or is going to for residence to report crimes to. They have been waiting until they return to HK to report them. Of course they showed the LoWu area and Dongmen as well.


The only other issue is knifes and some have been robbed at them, but it is usualy the sneak theif.


Don't knopw what else to say but yes it sure sounds like you are up on travelling, buttoned pocket etc. I usually carry my passport in my front pocket and other things in the inside pocket of my knapsack when heading to HK, been lucky so far.


the HEAT!!!! heheheh yeah it sucks big time, just this week it has cooled enough for me to venture out in the morning for a bike ride, but monday by 9:45AM I was drenched in sweat :lol: The thought of another 7 to 9 weeks of it is too much, but i'm acclimated so there willbe a few days during this where it won't be so bad.


As for people coming over, I'd guess only those from the south would stand a chance of being even close to comfortable.


Mark and Bea

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Hey Mark,


I have been reading your posts --- so there is some pretty good western food in Shenzhen?


We took the bus through Shenzhen last week on the way to HK --- impressive tall glass sky scrappers --- Fei says its where all of China's young "strivers" go --- and that conversations are always about money and things... and singles always size each other up based on material worth.... Told her it sounds like LA...


Are there beaches near by? I had heard somewhere that the coast was kind of nice and natural..



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