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When Trigg and his lovely wife came to Atlanta to retrieve their daughter, they used fish and venison as the ransom. While I'm starting to sprout gills from all of the fish, it seems that Jingwen has also really taken a liking to venison, even though she had never eaten this meat before.


Among the many pounds of meat that Trigg gave us were several beautiful roasts. Jingwen's first impression was "bu hao, mei you fei" - not good, no fat. Well, she was bound to find a use for the venison, so she made a soup/stew, by cutting the meat into cubes and adding some Chinese herbs and seasonings, simmering the entire concoction for who knows how long. She served up a batch the other night, and I must tell you that I've never tasted anything better. We've been having venison soup almost every night and now I'm starting to grow antlers along with the gills.


Jingwen often uses a toothpick now to fish the venison from the broth, eating the meat like she would a piece of melon, something she just doesn't do with other meats. Great to see her branching out with the food.

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Oh, Frank,


Blast for the past --- how I used to prepare venison:


For what its worth, yeah, the lean (ie. healthy) venison can be "fatted" the traditional

American way too... I have used both smoked and fresh bacon (wrap and tie, or use toothpicks, then bbq or broil) -- don't over cook --med. rare inside


very thin slices of beef fat (from chuck or seven bone cuts --- stuff you would normally discard --- btw, these freeze great) slice a roast the long way, the slices in the roast should be spaced 4-6 times wider than the width of the fat slices...


... add the seasoning that you like INTO the slices in the roast, then add the slice of the beef fat. tie together, and roast. Maybe finish for a few minutes under the broiler --- be careful not to burn !!

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Hey Frank, Glad you like the venison. It wasn't for Wang Fangs ransom. It was to get my cooler back. I posted about our Atlanta adventure somewhere in the RR I think. Maybe you didn't read it. Anyway, there is more venison where that came from (unless the game wardon is watching). I've been a bit out of pocket but everyone beware. I'm back!!


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When Trigg and his lovely wife came to Atlanta to retrieve their daughter, they used fish and venison as the ransom.



Was that from fishing with dynamite and electricity

:lol: :lol: :huh:

:D :lol: :lol:

Clifford, you can't hunt deer with dynamite. Geeeez, don't you know the rules at all? dynamite is for fish. Although I prefer a nightcrawler colored hand grenade. The preffered method for deer is an M-60 machine gun. It adds a bit of bulk also.

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Well, Clifford,


Just goes to show, hunting regs. vary state to state.....


Out west you can generally use dynamite for hunting deer.


Just string a chest high trip wire across a known deer trail: trip wire to detonator, detonator to dynamite...


Works great! best of all, its so much lighter and less cumbersome to pack out when its in pieces...

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Guest blsqueaky

Frank, I remember my last trip over, and I took with my some home made deer jerky with peppers, and the family loved it. My wife was eating so much of it, Ihad to tell her to save some. Now I am just waiting for when she arrives, and I always get venison, burgers and sausage. Now I just wish that I could find my one hungarian recipe that I had, deer and beef in a sauce with noodles.

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