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Sharing this with all my CDL friends

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Then why is it so easy for Mexicans to immigrate?  I agree it's not race so much as politics.

Just a wild guess Carl, but could it be that Mexicans have relatives in the US that can vote and we have a Republican President who, for the first time ever, is getting some of the minority votes?

Can we keep politics off of this forum?


The last amnesty program was passed under a democratic administration.


It doesn't matter which party is in power when it comes to US/Mexican immigration. Both play the same card.

Yes daddy. (Trigg sulks away, wimpering)

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Equal Justice Under The Law....


Actually, this is what the legislative aid to Senator Smith warned me about --- most Americans feel that there really should be a different standard of justice for Americans v. SOME foreigners... And once they agree with that, then there is a very real "slippery slope" --- we want THESE people in ~ but not THOSE people. ... (Chinese included)


I STRONGLY disagree with both Don and Portland Jim on this issue...


Yeah, I don't doubt for a minute that it would create huge problems to enforce the law uniformily, but isn't that really what America is all about?


Desegregation was a major "hassle" --- but didn't: "Equal Justice Under the Law" require it?


But Don, Let me give you an example about why this is so fundamentally wrong to what America stand for:


I didn't chose the Swedish example randomly --- I know a Swedish guy that married an American woman, and then basically, just ignored the immigration process...


He was given chance, after chance to change his status --- and he finally did --- but a PR China national in his situation would have been LONG deported....




For Chinese, the burden of proof is entirely on their's (and ours) heads....


We need to PROVE our case that they should come to America ---- Those of you that are so upset about the proof requirement about language ---Hey!!! You have an exact understanding of the issue:


For certain blue-eyed Europeans, functionally, the burden of proof is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!!! ---its on the US Government!!


--- the Government must make the case why these people can't stay in the US --- and they are very reluctant do it....




Let me remind you that Justice is blind ---She stands there holding Her scale ---BLINDFOLDED!!



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Don while I agree this topic is turning political it hasn't yet gotten to the point where its left vs right. I also think it is very pertinent to the visa process since it informs our members of the issues they may face at interview and helps them better prepare. In short I don't think its ready for the RR yet.

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Can we keep politics off of this forum?


The last amnesty program was passed under a democratic administration.


It doesn't matter which party is in power when it comes to US/Mexican immigration. Both play the same card.

OK Don, I'll agree that it isn't a party issue but I still think that, at least in part, it has to do with voting relatives. Of course a common border has a lot to do with the relaxed immigration issues as well.


I would find it hard to believe that race is an issue as Mexicans (Native Mexicans) have the same ancestry as Native Americans and both can be traced to China. Also, Russians are mostly Caucasian and they experience the same immigration issues as do the Chinese (ask Clifford).


As for your argument pertaining to visa fraud. Yes, it does exist with some Chinese applicants but I will go way out on a limb and say that visa fraud is much more prevalent with the Mexican population than it is with the Chinese. Yet we grant them amnesty.


So you see it appears to be very political to me and whatever your political affiliation, you must agree that it is very costly and frustrating to those of us who have experienced the visa process with a Chines fiancee/spouse.


Just my thoughts


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