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a run for the roses.

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Bing has taken an interest in gardening. Even took it upon herself to hunt down the shovel and dig a few holes to plant some flowers that were given to her by some friends the other day. Today we went out and bought some rose bushes to plant along with a hanging basket, Now she wants me to put up a white picket fence in the front yard. The delight she shows in these simple things melts my heart. I actually enjoyed it and I hate yard work. Yesterday I took her to the rose gardens here in Portland and she loved it. For those of you not familiar with Portland it is known as the rose city. We have world class roses here. Next are tomatos. Life is good freinds and it's getting better everyday.

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Actually Bing already has a tree. What else but a Bing cherry tree? I planted it last August and sent her pictures of it back then. She is very protective of her plants lol. Today she brought the roses that are still in pots up by the front door because she is afraid someone might steal them.

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Bing has taken an interest in gardening.  Even took it upon herself to hunt down the shovel and dig a few holes to plant some flowers that were given to her by some friends the other day.  Today we went out and bought some rose bushes to plant along with a hanging basket,  Now she wants me to put up a white picket fence in the front yard.  The delight she shows in these simple things melts my heart.   I actually enjoyed it and I hate yard work.  Yesterday I took her to the rose gardens here in Portland and she loved it. For those of you not familiar with Portland it is known as the rose city.  We have world class roses here.  Next are tomatos. Life is good freinds and it's getting better everyday.

Oh Carl, it just keeps getting better. We have a garden and if you think a weed has a chance in hell---nope, no way, she protects those veggies as though they are her children. And, if you think you have a lot of water on the bathroom floor, just wait until she learns that a watered garden is a happy garden. My water bill is through the roof and it has been raining here every other day (maybe she thinks we planted rice).


I don't even want to talk about the poor rabbit she saw out there the other morning but picture a Chinese lady, a broom, and a very frightened bunny all running through the neighbors yard--one of them screaming in Chinese. :D :blink:

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Fei wants chickens...


"what?!  people don't raise chickens in Portland !?  But Honey, you told me, everyone has so much room!

A chicken in every pot---or is it some pot for every chicken?? Makes me scared thinking about it.


Hey Kim, I think the rabbit would say I need a cage for Ling. :D

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Yeah Trigg,


As I recollect, eastern "lawn rabbit" is good... never has to move too fast (except from Ling) so it seems to be tender, most of the time...


Here in Oregon, I gave up hunting rabbits -- tough, wirely and often covered in fleas....


I'll stick with Chukar....

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I came home from work yesterday to find all the rose bushes planted. Any of you familiar with the hard clay soil here in the Portland area would understand why I find that amazing. I really expected to have to do it myself but in retrospect should have known better. No pick just an old dull shovel. Took her all day and she was a little sore but she did it. Tough stuff these Chinese women are made of.

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I came home from work yesterday to find all the rose bushes planted.  Any of you familiar with the hard clay soil here in the Portland area would understand why I find that amazing.  I really expected to have to do it myself but in retrospect should have known better.  No pick just an old dull shovel.  Took her all day and she was a little sore but she did it.  Tough stuff these Chinese women are made of.

Yeah man, real tough stuff--just wait till she gets mad, you'll find out. :(

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I came home from work yesterday to find all the rose bushes planted.  Any of you familiar with the hard clay soil here in the Portland area would understand why I find that amazing.  I really expected to have to do it myself but in retrospect should have known better.  No pick just an old dull shovel.  Took her all day and she was a little sore but she did it.  Tough stuff these Chinese women are made of.

The more difficult it is the more they enjoy the challenge.


Gentlemen, we are on the vanguard: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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So far everything is roses.  Why I haven't even been scolded yet.

It sounds like you realize you could be a naughty boy sometimes. Just keep on being good and maybe she will never tell you "ni bu hao." :)


I'll bet you two are having such a good time. Planting roses, that is so sweet. My Ping-ping calls them "the love flower."

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