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the consulate in guangzhou says they mailed out the p3 packet on 5/10 to my fiance. but she hasnt received it. any suggestions on this? this whole process is very long and frustrating. also am very worried that when we get this process the fact that my fiance doesnt speak english and i speak basically very little chinese will get us turned down. ive been using the little words i know along with translator software and books to talk with her. we do talk alot on the phone basically at least every other day. and i do truly love her.


anyways if someone could suggest how to proceed on the missing p3 packet i'd greatly appreciate it. ive tried to call the consulate but i guess the call center is not working. emailed to but that takes time as well. i wish they would have called her to verify address and give her a heads up on it being shipped out.


wish everyone the best.



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Hi dchangpr,


First, welcome to CFL.


My wife and I went through the same thing about not receiving P3. As for calling GZ. FORGET IT! You will never get through. At least I never could.


I sent several emails that I never got a reply on. The emails I didn't get a reply on I had selected "Other" in the question / Topic drop down box on the email form. I finally sent an email using the question / topic "When will you receive my packet from NVC?" can't remember if that is exact words, but it's similar. I told them that my wife had not received the P3 they had told me they had sent, so I gave them my wifes phone number also. To my surprise, my wife called me and told me that GZ called her and mailed a new P3 to her that same day. You can look at our time line and see how things have progressed from there.


I hope that gives you an ideas. Good Luck!



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Guest blsqueaky

I also went through the same thing. It turned out that GZ mailed Ling's P-3 to my house for some reason. I asked NVC about it and they said that I probably checked some wrong box on the papers, something saying to mail her papers to me. Well in the meantime she was able to call GZ, and she was able to pick up another P-3 in person. I also emailed them, explained what happen and in the email, I gave them her address again and they replied within 1 week, told me that she already picked up the P-3 and that they had it right in their computer so that the P-4 was mailed correctly, and it was.

Hope that this helps

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