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No, I am not a plant. I have found this whole business as frustrating as

anyone, and I am just trying to finds ways to stay positive.

I can not believe it has taken some people 18 months to get through

it, that is terrible!!

It would be a easy thing for me to get all upset, to come in here and rant and

rage, but that would not help. Whatever though, I will just be glad

when this process is finally finished and we will be able to start our

new lives here.

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yes nothing like rewarding criminals and yes they are criminals when they break the laws to get in the country, this bill from what little I read won't help our plight as we are not limited by and quota system for K1-K3, only the broke system and it is only broke cause they are trying to fix it. So honestly I think if they try to do anything with our system it will only make it worse for us as they break it more.

It looks like I will have to track down the original to this when I have a bit more time.


It mentioned bringing families together.... But not spouses or fiancees in particular.


I, for one, have no interest in bringing Irina's whole family here, her extended family, all her aunts, uncles, cousins, and etc. I might work to help them in Russia.... Think of the benefits of putting in a bathroom so they don't have to go outside in -30 degree weather :) Otherwise, I don't see any reason they can't stay there and be happy.

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Thanks for posting this .... I think its important.. 


se_lang, this is a proposal by immigration lawyers --- they are on our side!  please read it again, it addresss issues of homeland security much better (in my opinion) than the Bush administration...



This is nothing more then political maneuvering by the democrats to one up Bush's plan to gain Hispanic votes, if it does not pass the Republican controlled house an senate then the Democrats will say "Look we tried but the evil Republicans stopped us, so if you vote for us we can help you" or if it passes they will say" Look what we did we made life better for you now you are an American" Bottom line they are criminals and deserve nothing more then a boot in the ass back to their respective country's then they can apply the right way to get access to American jobs. This bill does nothing to address the issues of Americans using the system, I personally don't want a free ride on any bill that supports criminals and it is a sad day when or elected official's write bill to help criminals and not the people that pay their checks. But this is what America has come to!!!

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