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shipping from China to the US

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thanks for your reply!


yes, he has been here about two months, but we got married about a month ago, and we filed the papers for the permit about a week ago, soooo we are only a week into waiting for the permit since we couldn't file until we got married and it took us about a week or so to get all the paperwork together and and the STUFF that goes with it!


so anyway, yes, our faith is what has carried us through this whole process! we are thankful and blessed!


we met someone at the bank this past weekend that just had their green card interview last week. she was telling us about it and about their whole process. she said she was most impressed with the short length of time it took to get the work permit. so hopefully that will still be true at this time!!


what part of china are you in, or have you said already?? i might have missed it!! :unsure:

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Oh- It already gives me a headache to think of all the things I have to do after we get to the states- I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself before the interview (either way I will cry)- We are in Shanghai now- we were in Shenzhen before and when we leave it will be two years in Shanghai. I hope all goes well with your husband's employment card and etc.- I would go ahead and start thinking about jobs before I got it- but he probably is- good luck to you!

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well actually donahso, we already got his SS# because on a K1, you have to do it between day 14 and day 76 after his arrival and BEFORE you get married, if i understood it correctly!

thanks for telling me that advice though! it is always good just to make sure everything is covered! (also, with the fact that i have become famous about finding out very important details at the LAST minute, so far!!)


anyway, we mailed his whole packet to New Orleans, our local office. While the office is only about an hour away, and we could have driven then, we decided to mail it so i didn't have to take a day off work. i am not sure if he could have gotten EAD at that time, but i dont think so.


i checked the website yesterday for processing times. the new orleans office hadn't, as of yesterday, updated their times since April 15, but the good news is that as of April 15, they were working on March 1st's EAD's!! so that is exciting! it looks like about a month and a half, which is better than we expected!

i hope it continues to process in that amount of time- or of course quicker!


anyway, as far as thinking about what he can/will do, we are working on it. we have a lot of people saying they will help us as soon as he receives his EAD, but we will see what contacts come through!



kim du

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Kim- Congrats on getting the visa and your wedding. You guys sound so much like us. I have read a lot about your story and noticed that your honeymoon was in the area of the states I am from- I am from Knoxville, TN. I was thinking of doing the same type of thing on our honeymoon. We will be living in Memphis next year- that is where I went for undergrad and now I am going to law school there- actually I came to China the first time with a program from The University of Memphis. I'm glad the 6 month thing hasn't happened for a while- it better not actually because my wedding is on July 10th! (I had to go ahead and get a place before everything booked up.) I'm interested in how you and your husband met and I read some about his adjustment to the US- Hengli (my fiance) went to Vanderbilt for grad school and so I know he will at least know what he is getting into and he is almost as tired of China as I am- but still I am very worried that he will have a hard time. Good luck to you!

Wahoooooo!!! At last, someone else is from TN. My darlin' and I live just North of nashville.

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Really? Hengli went to school at Vanderbilt- he really liked Nashville- unfortunately I am not as smart as he is so we will be living in Memphis while I go to law school there. Is your fiance/wife already there? For some reason I think she is- maybe I read it elsewhere. If so, does she like life in Nashville? Has she adjusted well? I think Hengli really liked Nashville- the only place he was uncomfortable was in Galatin/ sp? He said that people stared at him there. But I am actually from Gatlinburg/Knoxville and I think people will defintely stare in Gatlinburg- we will be living there for a month when we arrive.

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