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Called the NVC today

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Welcome to CFL. You have just started, what will seem to be a forever wait. The process for K3 is about the same as that for K1. To get a better idea as to how long you might have to wait, look at the time lines of several couples. You are going to see where many have waited and still wait after 1 year and then you are also going to see a very few time lines where the wait was only about 6 to 9 months. The only advice I can give you is to expect the worst and celebrate should your wait be shorter. The best thing is that you have found the most supportive family of couples on the net. You will also find several whom are professionally connected and will give there support freely.


Good Luck!





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Welcome David & LiuXia's Husband (hmmm, what is YOUR name?)


Anyway, hopefully we can provide the two of you with friendship and support throughout this lengthy process.


I am not quite sure what would have happened to me had I not found the Candle.... I definately would have had a lot more time on my hands :( :lol: :P


But it has been a wonderful support group. And, I am not sure if I would have made it through these last 8 months of waiting without the friends that I have met here. Many people have given me lots of suggestions to try to help out my case. When one is STUCK, a little glimmer of hope of someone to talk about the case with helps a LOT.


Even some of the Jokes and political discussions have been good, as well as being a welcome distraction from the immigration issues.


Yes, you will see a variety of time-lines. You will see the the majority seem to be finishing up somewhere between 6 months and 1 year. Then you will find a few (mine included) that seem to have gotten stuck somewhere along the way. Perhaps most people hit a little bump somewhere in the process. Some people's bump wastes an additional month or two of an already lengthy process. For some of us, the bump is just a bit bigger.


So far, I don't think anybody here has had their application completely rejected.... Just wait long enough and it will eventually come through.


----- Clifford ------

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I will do my best to relax and keep myself busy, there's nothing else I can do to speed this up, certainly worrying will not. As I understand it from Don and others, what I saw in the site means that Vermont has already started to work cases received on March 24, meaning that not necessarily they have finished processing the ones they got before that date. I'm sorry if I have upset some people here, I know that some of you had to wait much longer because of the center where your case had gone, but I can't avoid comparing myself with others whose I-129F's had been processed at VSC.

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I will do my best to relax and keep myself busy, there's nothing else I can do to speed this up, certainly worrying will not.  As I understand it from Don and others, what I saw in the site means that Vermont has already started to work cases received on March 24, meaning that not necessarily they have finished processing the ones they got before that date.  I'm sorry if I have upset some people here, I know that some of you had to wait much longer because of the center where your case had gone, but I can't avoid comparing myself with others whose I-129F's had been processed at VSC.

The wheels of government grind ever so slowly, but they do grind. You are right in that the hardest part is not being able to do anything about it but wait. Hang in there and, like a bad kidney stone, this too shall pass. :o

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Mari if some seem incredulous at you being impatient with VSC it is only because they wish they could have filed there. Every day of waiting for our loved one is hell for all of us. I just left Bing two days ago and I am definitelly feeling the seperation blues. I only have ten days until she gets here yet even that seems an eternity. Just hang in there the time does eventually pass, calling senators or congressmen is a waste of time. They don't care about our little piece of reality. The process speeds up and slows down and continually changesl yet the timelines for the last year or so are fairly consistent. If you file through VSC expect 7-9 months everywhere else 10-12 months.

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Carl, thank you for your words and welcome back my friend. I had been following your case and had been very happy and relieved about the outcome, you certainly deserved this. My bf and me had been together for more than 2 years now, we had been nurturing our relationship in many ways until we decided it was the time to tie the knot and be together for the rest of our life. We're in our forties (even though we look younger :) )so we feel the time we are apart is such a precious time we're wasting. I had been dealing with my mind for the past few days, as I know the only source of peace is myself, I think I"ll survive it. Now it's true for you finally, the 10 days will pass before you know.

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For those of us that have waited a little longer, a month or two at the beginning just doesn't seem that long anymore.


But, I remember when I first applied. The receipt said "70 - 100 days". Three months seemed like an eternity at the time. Then when the wait time was revised to be 150 to 180 days, I was extremely upset....


Well, that 100 days passed over a year ago now..... And, still we wait.


But, I will never put down those that get their visas in 6 months.... That wait is VERY REAL to those couples.


----- Clifford -----

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I agree with you Jim, so I'm working really hard on this, the glass is really of the color you want to see in it, right? Looking back in time, I see so many events that have occurred such a long time ago and it seems as yesterday. Thank you all for your help and support.

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