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出境安全小锦囊 (Tips for Exit Safety)

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This was a card that was given out at my local PSB for Chinese people who are traveling overseas. I'm not sure how helpful or interesting it is, but here it is, for anyone who wants to take a look.

Before going abroad - hotline 12308

12308 hotline pg 1.jpg 12308 hotline pg 2.jpg






▲检查护照有效期,至少要在一 年以上。

▲办妥目的地国家的入境签证和 经停国家的过境签证(免签和 落地签国家除外)。


▲进行必要的体检和预防接种, 并随身携带接种证明。

▲给家人或朋友留下一份出行计 划,方便联络。

▲了解目的地国家在食品、药品、 动植物制品、外汇等方面的入 境限制。勿携带毒品、象牙、 受保护动植物制品、其他禁止 携带的物品。切勿为陌生人携 带行李或物品。携带大量现金 必须按规定向海关申报。

全面收集目的地风俗禁忌、气 候条件、治安状况、流行疫病、 法律法规等信息。

出国 后

▲建议在中国领事服务网 (http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/expa/) 进行公民登记。

▲防盗、防骗、防诈、防抢。保 管好个人证件及财物。

△ 文明旅游,遵守当地法律法规, 尊重当地风俗习惯和宗教信仰。

△遇事及时报警,熟记当地火警、 急救、警察等应急电话。


△注意签证有效期,如需延长须 提前在当地主管部门办妥。

特别提醒:领事保护不是 万能的,中国驻外使领馆 不可以干预所在国的司法 程序或法律事务,不可以 仲裁或解决您与他人的纠 纷,请您理性维权。


登录中国领事服务网,查询旅行目的地中国使领馆 的联系方式及相关安全提醒等海外安全信息。

如出行目的地为“注意安全” 类别,一定要加强防范,如为“谨 慎前往”或“暂勿前往”类别,请 谨慎考虑调整或取消出行计划。

12308 Hotline 24小时 服务热线






中国领事保护 和协助指南


24小时服务热线 +86-10-12308 / +86-10-59913991 网络拨打,请下载“外交部12308"APP


族自治区外事办公室 宣


Tips for Exit Safety


before going abroad


▲ Check the validity period of the passport, which must be at least one year.

▲Complete the entry visa of the destination country and the transit visa of the stop country (except visa-free and visa-on-arrival countries).

▲Purchase the necessary personal and medical insurance.

▲Perform the necessary physical examination and vaccination, and carry the vaccination certificate with you.

▲Leave a travel plan for family or friends for easy contact.

▲Know the entry restrictions of the destination country on food, medicine, animal and plant products, foreign exchange, etc. Do not bring drugs, ivory, protected animal and plant products, and other prohibited items. Never carry luggage or items for strangers. Carrying a large amount of cash must be declared to the customs as required.

Comprehensively collect information on destination customs and taboos, climatic conditions, security conditions, epidemics, laws and regulations, etc.

After going abroad

▲ It is recommended to register as a citizen on the China Consular Service Network (http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/expa/).

▲ Anti-theft, anti-fraud, anti-fraud, anti-robbery. Keep your personal documents and belongings safe.

△ Civilized tourism, abide by local laws and regulations, respect local customs and religious beliefs.

△Call the police in time when something happens, and memorize the local fire alarm, first aid, police and other emergency numbers.

△Keep in touch with relatives and friends.

△ Pay attention to the validity period of the visa. If you need to extend it, you must complete it with the local competent authority in advance.

Special reminder: Consular protection is not omnipotent. Chinese embassies and consulates abroad cannot interfere with the judicial procedures or legal affairs of the country where they are located, and cannot arbitrate or resolve disputes between you and others. Please protect your rights rationally.


Log on to the Chinese Consular Service Network to check the contact information of the Chinese embassy and consulate at the destination of your travel and relevant safety reminders and other overseas safety information.

If the travel destination is in the category of "safety", you must strengthen prevention. If it is in the category of "go with caution" or "don't go for now", please carefully consider adjusting or canceling your travel plan.

12308 Hotline 24-hour service hotline

China Consular Service Network

"Consular Express" WeChat


"Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12308" APP

Mouth and foot

"Consular Express" Weibo

Guide to Consular Protection and Assistance in China

Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

24-hour service hotline +86-10-12308 / +86-10-59913991 Internet call, please download the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12308" APP

"Consular Express" Douyin

Foreign Affairs Office of the Autonomous Region

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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