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Good grief. All his shilling for the CCP and pro-China diatribes and he gets his videos censored. Then he goes all out in his conspiracy theories. Greg D has it right and Gweilo60 has it back wards, but hey he is just an old drunk stuck in quarantine. Not sure about the value in posting this. Apart from the entertainment, I guess.



Yes, entertainment, but the point he raises is about the 5 strains. I haven't been able to verify this anywhere else.


Even if true, it wouldn't prove that they came from the US.


But the Fort Dexter closure is verifiable, as is the spike in viping illnesses.




The conspiracy theories leave holes in their sequences.I'll leave it to the scientists to sort out.



Gweilo60 is about the last person I would listen to for scientific advice.


However, I really enjoyed his Day 1-4 videos, and the video before that where he traveled back to China. Reminded me of his earlier videos that I was a huge fan of. Just showing things they way they are...


Anyways, looks like he's back to the conspiracy theories on Day 5. Now I see he has yet another "What the world can learn from China..." video up today. He must've deviated from the script at some point in the past week and his CPC bosses whipped him back into shape today. I'll watch these vids during my daily workout tomorrow...

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The five strains theory comes from a known conspiracy website, globalresearch.ca. Its really not a credible source.

Vaping related injuries ocurred in many parts of the US, and have been associated with black market vapes that had vitamin E acetate as an ingredient.

The CDC seems to have forgotten about vaping related lung disease as there is something more concerning going on.

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Good grief. All his shilling for the CCP and pro-China diatribes and he gets his videos censored. Then he goes all out in his conspiracy theories. Greg D has it right and Gweilo60 has it back wards, but hey he is just an old drunk stuck in quarantine. Not sure about the value in posting this. Apart from the entertainment, I guess.



Yes, entertainment, but the point he raises is about the 5 strains. I haven't been able to verify this anywhere else.


Even if true, it wouldn't prove that they came from the US.


But the Fort Dexter closure is verifiable, as is the spike in viping illnesses.




The conspiracy theories leave holes in their sequences.I'll leave it to the scientists to sort out.



Gweilo60 is about the last person I would listen to for scientific advice.


However, I really enjoyed his Day 1-4 videos, and the video before that where he traveled back to China. Reminded me of his earlier videos that I was a huge fan of. Just showing things they way they are...


Anyways, looks like he's back to the conspiracy theories on Day 5. Now I see he has yet another "What the world can learn from China..." video up today. He must've deviated from the script at some point in the past week and his CPC bosses whipped him back into shape today. I'll watch these vids during my daily workout tomorrow...


You can listen and give us an update. I'm not that interested in listening to the whole thing but would appreciate a summary.

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Yeah, I cut out of that"What the world can learn from China" video pretty quick.


The thing about the vaping conspiracy theory is that the lung scans look VERY similar to those of Covid 19 patients. The illness blamed on vaping spiked right about the time (Fall 2019) that coronavirus supposedly would have arisen. Thus, supposedly, some of the early coronavirus cases were instead blamed on vaping.

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Just, as has been said, for entertainment purposes. From Statnews



Number of vaping-related illnesses in U.S. has spiked, CDC says


It was a onetime spike, which leveled off to its previous level.


Nnathan Rich discussed a lot of this here -http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/50049-coronavirus-in-the-u-s/?p=644479


Again, though, just for entertainment purposes.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Dude, you're quoting Gweilo60 and Nathan Rich, as references on coronavirus. Think about it.


The ocurrence of vaping illness was all over the States, not originating in one locality as a virus would. And they were all in people who vape, thats why it was referred to as vaping illness. It seems to be associated with certain black market vape additives. This is by no means proven but it is way more likely than coronavirus.


Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzed lung fluid from 51 patients with "probable or confirmed" vaping-related respiratory conditions and found vitamin E acetate in 48, or 94 percent. As Boston University public health professor Michael Siegel notes, "the three cases in which vitamin E acetate was not detected were not confirmed cases, and each had other potential explanations for their illnesses. One had a multi-drug overdose, one had a fungal infection, and one may have had a bacterial lung infection."

These results, based on cases from 16 states, are similar to the findings of a November 15 CDC study that found vitamin E acetate in every lung fluid sample from 29 patients in 10 states. The new study also examined lung fluid samples from 99 healthy subjects, including 18 "exclusive users of nicotine-containing e-cigarette products," and found no vitamin E acetate. The study "provides evidence," the researchers say, that vaping products "can deliver vitamin E acetate to respiratory epithelial-lining fluid, the presumed site of injury in the lung." In light of this study and earlier findings, the CDC is now describing vitamin E acetate as "closely associated" with the lung injuries.



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No, you are confusing conspiracy theories with reality. Don't take them too seriously until the scientists get their say. The conspiracy theory is that coronavirus cases were misinterpreted as vaping illnesses.


In any event, the virus became what it is ONLY after the breakout in Wuhan.


Sorry it's just not possible to have a balanced discussion on the origins topic, unless it's tracked down definitively. And sorry if that comes across as if I'm promoting the conspiracy theories. That is not my intent.


Again, though, the conspiracy theories seem to have gaping holes in their logic regarding containment, and also the geographical spread, in addition to the vaping thing.

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Here is a much more scientific discussion, which could help explain how the conspiracy theorists were misdirected. From the SCMP



Virus may have jumped from animal to humans long before the first detection in Wuhan, according to research by an international team of scientists
Findings significantly reduce the possibility of the virus having a laboratory origin, director of the US National Institute of Health says


Dr Francis Collins, director of the US National Institute of Health, who was not involved in the research, said the study suggested a possible scenario in which the coronavirus crossed from animals into humans before it became capable of causing disease in people.


“Then, as a result of gradual evolutionary changes over years or perhaps decades, the virus eventually gained the ability to spread from human to human and cause serious, often life-threatening disease,” he said in an article published on the institute’s website on Thursday.


The findings by Western scientists echoed the mainstream opinion among Chinese researchers.


Zhong Nanshan, who advises Beijing on outbreak containment policies, had said on numerous occasions that there was growing scientific evidence to suggest the origin of the virus might not have been in China.


“The occurrence of Covid-19 in Wuhan does not mean it originated in Wuhan,” he said last week.


A doctor working in a public hospital treating Covid-19 patients in Beijing said numerous cases of mysterious pneumonia outbreaks had been reported by health professionals in several countries last year.


Re-examining the records and samples of these patients could reveal more clues about the history of this worsening pandemic, said the doctor, who asked not to be named due to the political sensitivity of the issue.


“There will be a day when the whole thing comes to light.”




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I don't know Randy. To much politics involves and then there is the blame game involved too. I don't know if the truth will ever come out or if patient zero will ever be found. I have read that Chinese virologist was concentrating on a 57 year old shrimp vender at the Wuhan market. She had been to a hospital and they gave her some pills and she did not get any better so she went to a larger hospital and they admitted and treated her with what they called some very bad disease. She returned to the market after recovering and continued selling shrimp. Then they said that she was probably the one that started it there however she was not patient zero. A 70 year old man had it before her that never went to the market. They were thinking that if they could find the source of his infection they thought that they would have it nailed down to the origin but have not as of yet. And on it goes, Anything is possible I suppose.

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On 3/29/2020 at 9:14 AM, Barfus said:


On 3/29/2020 at 8:17 AM, Randy W said:


On 3/29/2020 at 4:32 AM, Cale1953 said:

Good grief. All his shilling for the CCP and pro-China diatribes and he gets his videos censored. Then he goes all out in his conspiracy theories. Greg D has it right and Gweilo60 has it back wards, but hey he is just an old drunk stuck in quarantine. Not sure about the value in posting this. Apart from the entertainment, I guess.



Yes, entertainment, but the point he raises is about the 5 strains. I haven't been able to verify this anywhere else.


Even if true, it wouldn't prove that they came from the US.


But the Fort Dexter closure is verifiable, as is the spike in viping illnesses.




The conspiracy theories leave holes in their sequences.I'll leave it to the scientists to sort out.



Gweilo60 is about the last person I would listen to for scientific advice.


However, I really enjoyed his Day 1-4 videos, and the video before that where he traveled back to China. Reminded me of his earlier videos that I was a huge fan of. Just showing things they way they are...


Anyways, looks like he's back to the conspiracy theories on Day 5. Now I see he has yet another "What the world can learn from China..." video up today. He must've deviated from the script at some point in the past week and his CPC bosses whipped him back into shape today. I'll watch these vids during my daily workout tomorrow...



Here's a little more information on what happened with our friend Gweilo:


Makes sense now why his next two videos were the same old pro-China anti-west ramblings.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Vaping and COVID (note - third stage) have in common one aspect, lung damage with or without additives. Hard to say at this stage which is worse, except for the higher cases in morbidity in COVID-19.

So let's continue the conversation about the correlation between smoking and cancer going back to early 1900`s. I think the genetic relation among the coronavirus might just break the tie.

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Good grief. All his shilling for the CCP and pro-China diatribes and he gets his videos censored. Then he goes all out in his conspiracy theories. Greg D has it right and Gweilo60 has it back wards, but hey he is just an old drunk stuck in quarantine. Not sure about the value in posting this. Apart from the entertainment, I guess.



Yes, entertainment, but the point he raises is about the 5 strains. I haven't been able to verify this anywhere else.


Even if true, it wouldn't prove that they came from the US.


But the Fort Dexter closure is verifiable, as is the spike in viping illnesses.




The conspiracy theories leave holes in their sequences.I'll leave it to the scientists to sort out.



Gweilo60 is about the last person I would listen to for scientific advice.


However, I really enjoyed his Day 1-4 videos, and the video before that where he traveled back to China. Reminded me of his earlier videos that I was a huge fan of. Just showing things they way they are...


Anyways, looks like he's back to the conspiracy theories on Day 5. Now I see he has yet another "What the world can learn from China..." video up today. He must've deviated from the script at some point in the past week and his CPC bosses whipped him back into shape today. I'll watch these vids during my daily workout tomorrow...



Here's a little more information on what happened with our friend Gweilo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPrnli_jw3U&t=


Makes sense now why his next two videos were the same old pro-China anti-west ramblings.


If you can't tell it like it is I don't want to hear it. :blahblah1: :horsehit:

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After looking at a few of those links I realize people have been to Guelo for some time.


A good article showing strain mutation of the virus and where it traveled to. Easy to read and follow:




Has some good pics I can't embed because they are png


The strain in western Canada originated in Iran, as did the strain in New Zealand and one in Australia. Of course, the Iranian line originally came from China. Some infections in Australia came directly from China, as did most of the European pockets. South America and Mexico both arrived from Italy, as did many of the UK infections, although some appear to have passed through the Netherlands and Belgium first.


If you ever had any doubt in your mind about world being high interconnected, this should remove any question.

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I assume this alert goes out to everybody.


Guangxi Early Warning Center thought loose, the risk increased greatly. The risk of overseas importation increases, there are cases of circulation and asymptomatic infection in the territory, and the restoration of production and living order cannot be relaxed in prevention and control. Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission, CDC

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