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Squeaky gets P4 / Interview date

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Hey group, this is Dean signing in for Mark (blsqueaky) who is on the road, Chicago bound.


He called to say that his wife Ling has just received the P4 on March 31 with an interview date of May 20.


He also said she got the P4 2 weeks after he had e-mailed GZ.


Congratulations, Mark and Ling

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I'm sure he's pedal to the metal with a big grin on his face. Those two are going to have more fun than anybody when she gets over here. Most immigrant wives hardly go anywhere in America, they are always at home or at work. They have no idea how big this country is. The only way to really understand is to see it up close. It is interesting that China and the USA have nearly the same number of square miles (not counting Alaska) and the distance from Beijing to Urumqi is close to the same as that from New York to San Franciso.

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Guest blsqueaky

Dean, thanks for posting this.


Frank, no, unable to attend. Work commitments, and when she arrives in June, will be taking off 2 weeks then. Kinda hard to take time off now and again in June. Bank does not mind 2 weeks, but I do not think that they would like another month again.


Mark and Bea, you are betting on a sure thing here.


Robert. my foot just about was pedal to medal. Yes, she can not wait to get here. She also told me that she is already starting to shop for some items and linens for the truck. I have a feeling that soon that truck will be hers and not mine. I will just be the driver. :) :D


Everyone else, thanks for the well wishes.

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Happy to hear the good news, your paperwork went quick, I told you the truck would be getting remodeled, but look at it this way it is both of your home away from home so may as well make it comfortable, hey don't forget the frilly curtains for the sleeper :)

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