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Buying a home in China after becoming a Citizen of the US

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This is a question my wife often talk about, if in 3 years, after receiving citizenship (if she chooses to do so) will my wife (and I) still be able to purchase a home in China? We would like to have this option in the future but are concerned about giving up Chinese citizenship and it's implications in China. Working is another issue we are interested in knowing other peoples experience on, once you become a US citizen, how is working in China?






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If you are planning to return to China to live, it might be better if your wife keeps her Chinese citizenship. Yes, foreigners CAN purchase homes, but there are more hoops to jump through. But anything you and she purchase BEFORE she attains American citizenship will remain as is.


Foreigners working in China will need a work permit. This is usually tied to your employer, but I believe it's possible to get a generalized work permit. I don't know any details there, though - talk to your PSB.


Of course, you'll still have immediate relatives in China, so this will make it easier.


The logistics of an international marriage make that a complex issue, with no simple answers. A lot depends on your own specific situation and what you intend to do.

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