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China's Chengguan - from the horse's mouth

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in the Sixth Tone



Why China’s ‘Chengguan’ Are Public Enemy Number One

When our jobs require us to clamp down on some of the city’s poorest street vendors, how can we truly win the support of the people?




Yet when every warning is ignored, we have no choice but to confiscate the vendor’s goods. When every attempt to get them to pack up and leave goes unanswered, we have no choice but to take their wares to the disposal center. If we need to pursue legal action, we proceed carefully, preserving all the evidence. We are afraid of getting involved in disputes, and even more afraid of losing the people’s trust.

In my opinion, what chengguan need most is the understanding and support of the people. Every chengguanis primarily concerned with how to do a good job managing the city. The job arose from the needs of China’s developing cities — it wasn’t created at random. The importance of the position means that we all hope to gain people’s approval, not to hear the words “good riddance” every time a chengguan is stabbed, beaten, or killed.


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