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Bombing of the Belgrade Embassy

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I wonder if one could says that in this video Winston's was demonstrating a heart of glass over the criticisms, reactions and intolerance of the Chinese people of some of contents of Winston's blog on China. Hmmm, I wonder if he was really rambling for real or was it intentional. What do you all think? Danb


PS. "What set all this off was the NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three staff members. The excuse our fearless leaders gave was that it was a mistake due to the use of "outdated maps." "


As far of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy I hope that it was not intentional and yet to says/claim that it was just an error never seem right.


I'm sure Winston feels fairly beleaguered, but, as has been said here, perhaps a more judicious choice of titles would help.


What Greg said, "A Chinese person told me that we bombed the embassy because China was hosting a communications center for the wrong side (Serbs) at the time." was reported in a Western news source or 2 or 3 as well - https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/oct/17/balkans, https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/1999/12/chin-d01.html, and also that pieces of the stealth fighter shot down in Yugoslavia were bought up by Chinese agents - http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/01/23/chinas-new-stealth-fighter-use-technology.html. I'm not sure how reliable these sources are, but they are out there.

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This column provides some excellent and VERY interesting detail, although I have no idea how accurate -

How China's Stealth Aircraft Rose From Ashes of Balkan War

New America Media, News Report, Yoichi Shimatsu, Posted: Jan 25, 2011

EDITOR’S NOTE: Yoichi Shimatsu reported on the anti-stealth air-defense program and the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade for Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly, Ming Pao Group, Hong Kong) during the NATO Kosovo War of 1999.


I won't quote from it - read it yourself if interested.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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It's published in several military forums I belong to. Known for some time. Problem is the Chinese are having trouble replicating the stealth technology correctly, and the J-20 has serious problems anyway. But it is deployed.


The television technology they used to shoot down the F-117 we already have so...........And the F-117's are now grounded. The B2's are used quite sparingly. Notice the B-1 is emerging as the new bomber. It is a specialist at low level, supersonic bombing, something known for a long time to be extremely effective regardless of radar.


But it is all part of the escalation of war toys....

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