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The OTHER "Unjust Seizure" of Chinese territory

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just an interesting read, if you care to - in the NY Times


Vladivostok Lures Chinese Tourists (Many Think It’s Theirs)





Yet, like nearly all Chinese who visit a city whose Russian name means “master of the East,” Mr. Cui is absolutely certain about one thing: The place should really be called Haishenwai, the name it had back when China was master in these parts.

. . .

Russia, an increasingly close diplomatic partner with China, is almost never ranked in official statements alongside Britain, Japan and other former imperial powers that seized territory by force.

Chinese social media, however, bubble with demands that territory ceded to the Russian Empire in the 19th century not be forgotten. A posting on a popular Chinese internet forum, for example, claimed that the Chinese people “are all in tears” when they see that the “table of unrecovered territory” includes Vladivostok and other lands now controlled by Russia.


Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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just an interesting read, if you care to - in the NY Times


Vladivostok Lures Chinese Tourists (Many Think It’s Theirs)





Yet, like nearly all Chinese who visit a city whose Russian name means “master of the East,” Mr. Cui is absolutely certain about one thing: The place should really be called Haishenwai, the name it had back when China was master in these parts.

. . .

Russia, an increasingly close diplomatic partner with China, is almost never ranked in official statements alongside Britain, Japan and other former imperial powers that seized territory by force.

Chinese social media, however, bubble with demands that territory ceded to the Russian Empire in the 19th century not be forgotten. A posting on a popular Chinese internet forum, for example, claimed that the Chinese people “are all in tears” when they see that the “table of unrecovered territory” includes Vladivostok and other lands now controlled by Russia.



I guess that they want every foot of land that they ever lost over the last 5000 years. In that case the American Indians should be petitioning the federal court system to take back America.

Edited by Randy W
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