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My spouse and I just had a long and very productive conversation complete with written matrixes and charts regarding multi-variable scenario planning.


The variables which interact with each other include job status, pregnancy, and visa status (approved, denied, continued purgatory).


It was very useful to at a high level discuss our default reaction to each conditional eventuality as it occurs, and I recommend it to anyone early along in this unpredictable process.


We even planned for the unthinkable, of course, which is an outright denial. It should never happen to us given that the law, facts, and regulations and precedent is all on our side, but weird stuff always happens. But our default plans are as if that does not happen, because we cannot assume that the worst happens, as we would then be trapped here and we could not then make preparations for the most common case, which would be getting ready to start a new life in the US. So it's full-steam-ahead with finding jobs and such in the US, with the thought in the back of the mind that it all might be for naught due to abuse of the system by the Guangzhou consulate.


So far things have occurred all on schedule, and according to inquiries with the GZ consulate and the online status tracker our case is still live. But we have to at the same time consider the possibility of the unthinkable, while not being consumed by it.


I'm sure you are all used to it by now!


Appreciate any tips or thoughts.

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