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What do you think of the website Linkedin?


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Hello everyone!

I've heard that Linkedin is a website for professionals to look for jobs or to recommend others. Now I really like to know your ideas about it. Is it good and practical? Is it necessary to log in for Chinese new comers in America like me? thanks in advance.

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I use linkedin, and keep it up to date with my employment experience.

I get a call/email from recruiters about 2-3 times a month asking if I'd be interested in interviewing for a job at ... where ever.

(I am a software guy)


I tell people how to use it to their benefit often, here is my suggestion:

1) look for a company that has a job posted you'd like

2) Find someone within 1 or 2 references from you that works there, preferably in the same area.

3) ask for an introduction

4) ask if the person would refer you for the job.


most employees get a small bonus if one of their referrals is hired, so its all benefit for them, and for you.


edit: This means having lots of contacts, or at least knowing people who have lots of contacts.

Edited by credzba (see edit history)
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Sounds good!! I'm learning to be careful with my own information online so I have to make sure if I'm doing the right thing. Okay, thanks, I'll spend sometime exploring the website.

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Been using Linkedin for several years, and it does get me come work contacts, it makes a good online work resume.


Speaking of Linkedin, I added it as a contact field that you can add to your profile here on Candle if you wish to share your linkedin profile webpage. (edit your profile and you will find it under contact methods)

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Thank you Banzhu, I just did my linkedin profile and put my website on the "contact list" of the Candle. have a good day!

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Xiexie Tom for visiting my website!!

I have more questions to you guys.

(1) What will happen to me if I declare that I have cash more than ten thousand dollars with me on the plane? Will the custom officers check me thoroughly?

(2) My new passport is the third one for me. Can I drop my first passport to the trash and keep the last two passport??


Thanks in advance!

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Xiexie Tom for visiting my website!!

I have more questions to you guys.

(1) What will happen to me if I declare that I have cash more than ten thousand dollars with me on the plane? Will the custom officers check me thoroughly?

(2) My new passport is the third one for me. Can I drop my first passport to the trash and keep the last two passport??


Thanks in advance!

For safety may you should wire transfer this sum.

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true, safety is the most important of all. Xiexie for reminding me. From now on I'll be safe enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It is unlikely that you would need your earlier passports for any reason, once you get visas, exit, and entry stamps in the new one.


For example, when I wanted to leave China with my new, completely blank passport (n visas, entry, or exit stamps), they had to look at my old one to see that I was legally in the country. My old residence permit expires in a few days, so I'll have to go to the Chinese consulate in Houston to get a new visa for my new passport, and then go back to the PSB for a new residence permit.


It is unlikely that you would need the older passport for any reason connected to the money.

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"Is it good and practical?"

I have a profile but I mostly see it as a glorified online resume. I've done a little networking with it but most inquiries I recieve seem to be "cold call" communication from companies trying to sell me a service. That said, I have been contacted by a few businesses relevant to my industry who I am working on partnerships with. Overall I don't see any reason why an adult shouldn't have one and keep it up to date. It takes a small amount of time to create and update a profile and can potentially open new doors.


"Is it necessary to log in for Chinese new comers in America like me?"

I would think that any sort of networking an immigrant can get involved with is a good thing. When my wife and I move back to the states I'll definitely be helping her set up a LinkedIn profile, as well as a ton of other things to help her get integrated into our new environment as quickly as possible.

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Thank you everyone for taking the time to answer me. thank you Yanglan! Now I'm rest assured with linkedin. Thank you Randy for helping me out with my linkedin website. I didn't even see what should be my website address. I still feel strange more or less on Linkedin. There're too many strangers. Oh, well, it'll be good.

have a good day!

Edited by Catherineli (see edit history)
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